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  1. Lh777

    Wrong step alts

    After performing the alts step before UDROS at FL370, the same UDROS with FL370 still appears on the CLB page
  2. Same problem during approach to 26R Eddm
  3. Lh777

    Installation on MSFS

    This is my msfs folder
  4. Lh777

    Installation on MSFS

  5. Lh777

    Installation on MSFS

    I tried reinstalling but I still don't see it. As airliners I only see A310, A320, A320V2 and 747
  6. Hello everyone, First day on MSFS (no 2024), after years on XP, just for this amazing plane. I installed the aircraft via iniManager, including some liveries, but I can't find the A350 among the MSFS aircraft. Any help?
  7. Will there be speed simulations like PMDG or jump functions like Airbus Toliss?
  8. Will the purchase include compatibility with both MSFS and MSFS2024 or will they be 2 separate versions? In the second case, will there be a discount if you first purchase the MSFS version and then the MSFS2024? Thank you
  9. I'm currently on x-plane with the amazing toolis airbuses. As soon as I heard about your a350 I immediately thought of switching to MSFS. will it be compatible with MSFS or only on MSFS?
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