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  1. During a flight from LIMC to LSZH during climb, ATC authorized altitude FL690 (!). I had to request authorization several times to decrease the flight level to the altitude planned in the MCDU. Furthermore, on approach to LSZH, it did not authorize me to land by imposing flight level 8,000, even though the aircraft had correctly locked ILS at an altitude of 5,000 and intercepted the G/S. It happened on two different flights. Thank you.
  2. Thanks. But is this also possible on XBox?
  3. Hello, given that I really like the A320 Neo V2, I continue to have problems with flight plans. To obtain correct indications from ATC during navigation, the flight plans on the simulator and on Simbrief must coincide perfectly, otherwise the aircraft tends to follow the one set on the simulator. But doing this isn't always easy. Sometimes with long routes the routings are not found but also the track numbers are different, the SID and STAR are often not found on the simulator, or on the contrary on Simbrief. Am I doing something wrong? With all other aircraft this problem does not exist because the flight plan on Simbrief is perfectly received by the simulator and the ATC gives correct indications with altitudes and heights. Is there a better system? Thank you very much
  4. Thanks for the reply. It's a real shame because the V2 is really complete and flies very well. It's the best airliner available on Xbox in my opinion. It would be perfect to be able to generate the flight plan on Simbiref or enter it manually with SID and STAR and see it received by ATC with altitude and speed instructions. Will it be possible in the future? Thank you.
  5. By inserting the flight plan into the mcdu the aircraft follows it correctly, but it is not received by ATC which continues to give instructions based on its own track inserted in the simulator. even in the map that can be activated from the menu above, the plane inserted in the plane by Simbrief does not appear. Tanks.
  6. kekki

    Toggle chocks

    Thanks for replying. When I want to restart the already scheduled flight, or I want to make a new one, it is no longer possible to remove the chocks under the wheels from the tablet. While the GPU can be removed regularly, the remove wedges command remains green and no longer works. Only by restarting MSFS does everything work again, but only for one flight.
  7. Buonasera, dopo il termine di un volo con l'A320 neo v2 su Xbox serie X, al riavvio non è più possibile togliere i cunei sotto le ruote e l'aereo non si muove. Si deve riavviare il programma. Si tratta di un bug ? Grazie
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