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Everything posted by geckuz

  1. @richboy2307 Vrishabh sorry for delay. Here it is. Navigraph airac OKKKOMDB_PDF_1741077708.pdf
  2. geckuz

    MCDU click lag

    Do you guys have fsrealistic? That One was causing the issue for me
  3. You have to turn both the PA knob and the PA button
  4. Hi, after setting up arrival in OMDB Rwy 12L via REREK VUTE3B FMGC and ND shows weird UTC times and vertical profile is not showing on ND
  5. Msfs2020 Is the same, It s not the sim it's the plane
  6. you turn right, it turns half a second after the input, you release the stick it keeps turnig for half a second, so you turn the opposite direction to compensate, and it does the same, and you end in a rollercoaster.
  7. Well, what people is describing Is input lag, and It has nothing to do with sensitivity. I have that issue too and controls are set as you suggest. Even if I set a 10% curve on sensitivity I should not get an input delay, I should Just move the Stick more. Can you please investigate? It Is a Nightmare to fly an otherwise beautifil aircraft manually.
  8. Same here, MSFS2020 no charts no weather
  9. Gotcha, thanks for the info!
  10. Is there any chance that you are going to use an independent navdata in the future? Thank you
  11. Good day, as per object, N1 for FLEX takeoff is wrongly implemented. A320 FADEC does not allow the FLEX N1 to be lower than the CLB N1. In general, it looks like N1 rating in FLEX is low. With FLEX TEMP of 54 I got 76% N1 on FLX and 85% as soon as I moved to CLB. CAn you look into this?
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