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Everything posted by Luvbeers

  1. I've switched to headphones simulation in the msfs sound settings.
  2. Is there a reason that the ILS crs is pretty much always off by 1° compared with charts?
  3. on the INIT page hit right arrow above the keypad to go to the weights page.
  4. Try using DIR to go to the next waypoint and see if it enables managed NAV mode.
  5. It sounds like an oscilating tone.... eeeeeeeeeee... aaaaaaaaaaaa... eeeeeeeeeee... aaaaaaaaaaa... very faint. Am I hearing things?
  6. I aslo noticed that the a320 v2 has difficult managing waypoint turns at x4. It keeps overcompensating the flight path back and forth after a turn.
  7. On Xbox Series X for me the landing lights work, ie. I see the beams and they light up the ground, but the bulbs themselves are still dark. Also the BRT DIM buttons for the MCDUs are very hard to manipulate. I have to drag them with mouse left or right to work and then it is hard to fine tune, always ending up too bright or too dim. Anyway to set these with a percentage dialog like the EFB?
  8. Make sure you use the same system in simbrief and the efb... kg>kg or lbs>lbs
  9. Luvbeers


    Enable the EFB keyboard in the options and use that keyboard to enter your pilot ID. Don't use the xbox keyboard dialog, just hit b to close it and use the efb keyboard.
  10. I just figured this out... not only do you have to hit the VHF1 call button, then turn the volume up, but you ALSO have to unmute the volume dial by clicking it. It will highlight blue when unmuted. The dialog will say Mute/Unmute On which is a little misleading. Then you should be able to hear ATC respond audibly. Hope that helps!
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