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Everything posted by dc10boy

  1. Is there a change log somewhere for this update? I see nothing listed here in the update list.
  2. Is there a change log somewhere for this update? I see nothing listed here in the update list. Also, FWIW, I have not had a single WASM crash since deactivating the maintenance function.
  3. Latest version, Altitude alert C chord will play on the ground as you spin the FCU altitude select wheel towards the current altitude, but inflight it still will not play either when approaching, or deviating from the selected altitude.
  4. dc10boy

    ATC sound

    Make sure you basically "push" the top of the audio selector so that it pops up and you should hear voice.
  5. dc10boy

    ATC sound

    They have it working like an actual A-300 now. On the Capt. audio panel select the #1 VHF volume control and mic. selector and it works . I usually select both 1 and 2 radio volumes up as well. you said you selected the audio?
  6. Yep, WASM crash. This thing has been broken and basically unflyable because you can't accomplish basic FMC programming frequently. Although we've been promised fast fixes on this and other issues, such as the complete loss of ATC voice, the last update was in July. This support forum has been a ghost town, and Ini has made it clear they are focusing on "other" (new products) and MSFS 2024 projects. Welcome to the back burner.
  7. dc10boy


    So, I just received yet another Email from Inibuilds showcasing all the OTHER products they are working on. The "flagship product" A300 will be "Compatible" with MSFS2024 with "Outstanding bugs from MSFS 2020 fixed" Awesome. You're on top of things for MSFS 2024. When will these issues be fixed for us MSFS 2020 users, who bought this aircraft for that sim, be fixed?
  8. dc10boy


    On 7-11 you released V1.1.2 of the A300. For a pretty large number of us, and even new users this update brought with it renewed WASM crashes and The loss of all voice ATC ( a basic MSFS function). Reports of this were coming in by 7-19, and by 8-7 you knew what was causing it as Vrishabh posted "This issue is specific to the A300, due to the XML rewrite of all the switches in that plane as part of the performance optimization." On 8-22 he posted "We are still committed to releasing a fix for this ASAP so you won't have to wait till the next "big" update. However until then, while we understand it may be frustrating or inconvenient, you can still make a flight with the default ATC by reading the text replies, albeit you may not have audio feedback for the interaction. This issue also does not manifest on all installations, as verified via internal testing. You are free to disagree, but from our point of view, as the default ATC is not completely disabled, nor the plane completely unflyable in such instances, the grounding/not using the plane at all as such is entirely a user choice. In any case, we appreciate the importance of this feature to some users, and a fix for this is still quite high up on the priority list as far as the A300 is concerned. At the same time, the team is also working very hard on delivering the other updates & products showcased during the Summer Surprises events, as such we would appreciate all your patience & understanding on this matter. 🙏 As at this time there is nothing more to add to this conversation, I will lock this thread. We have acknowledged the bug and re-iterated that a fix will be coming in due course." Great. Text ATC, no audio, flying in radio silence, that's if you can get the thing to complete a flight without a WASM crash. It's not a good look to lock the threads referencing a major bug, as well as all subsequent reports from newer users with a "known bug" explanation. We're a couple of days away from November, and all we have heard from Ini is product updates (for other products) and your own explanation that you are working on other things. If you have no plans to take us A300 customers off of the back burner, I respectfully request that you allow users that are having issues with the update released in July, the ability to roll back and run v1.1.1, which worked well for a number of us. Thank you.
  9. Hmmm. Must've been a server issue. I tried again 2 hours later, login worked fine and is back to normal.
  10. Hi, where Can I find a list of KLAX gates that are equipped with the Nool VDGS?
  11. I removed the local and roaming folders as suggested in another thread, now I can begin the installation, but it won't let me sign in. logging in just hangs with no message. I triple checked password and username by signing in on the ini webpage several times, and it works normally.
  12. Hi. I opened ini manager to update KLAX. Update was successful. I went back to ini manager, tried to open and it failed. uninstalled , installed latest version. latest version will not install. Hangs after loading 75% of the way.
  13. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    Seconded. This is a grounding item that should have been hotfixed.
  14. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    Any update on this issue for the A300?
  15. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    More troubleshooting, emptied community folder, no toolbar pushback, no addons at all. No change, no sound.
  16. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    I have a couple of good friends from work that on my recommendation ordered the A300. Both of them had fresh installs, and both of them have no ATC voice with the A300 but works fine with other aircraft. This is widespread, being reported on Avsim, other forums, Discords, and FB groups. First reported on the 19th. The silence is deafening.
  17. Hi, I'm still attempting to sort this bug out as not everyone is experiencing it. When doing a complete clean re install, of v1.1.2 are there any other folders besides the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600 " folder that should be deleted? Emptying the Community folder has no effect either. Have you guys made any progress figuring out what's causing this?
  18. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    Doing some troubleshooting, it doesn't make any difference if you use Azure, or offline mode, and no changes in radio panel config have any effect.
  19. Simbrief Pilot ID number works!
  20. Thank you, I'll try switching the Simbrief to user ID number instead of username. I posted again a comprehensive list of what I was seeing, not to be a pain, but to put all the odd issues I was seeing in one place in case they were connected.
  21. After updating my PC A300 this morning, I found that I no longer had any ATC voices (works for all other aircraft.) No longer have any Simbrief functionality (Unknown username is displayed) My username has not changed, It's entered correctly and works with all other aircraft. Although it's in the changelog, I see no settings for alerts and warning volume, When loading into the "Fly now" screen the aircraft loads powered on, and then goes to cold and dark (it never did this before). I uninstalled and deleted the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600 and reinstalled. no help on any problems. Specs are W11, latest updates. I714700k, 64GB RAM 16GB 4070TI super. It basically runs anything with great performance. I've only gotten a few flights in on this since I bought it a few months ago. first the repeated WASM crashes killed most flights before they got off the ground, finally get those fixed, fly 3 flights, and now this. I'm not having any issues like this on any other aircraft.Really frustrated.
  22. dc10boy

    no ATC voices

    Dang it! Against my better judgement I updated the Airbus. Now all ATC voice including ATIS is gone.
  23. Dang it! Against my better judgement I updated the Airbus. Now all ATC voice including ATIS is gone. Is there any way to roll back to the previous version?
  24. With the issues being reported with loss of all ATC voices, and IRS 2 faults is it recommended we update or wait? Are the issues on few systems or widespread? Are any fixes planned soon? Thank you.
  25. Oh, nice. I stand corrected. I never knew they were inhibited.
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