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Everything posted by UpUpandAway

  1. With everything set up for landing at FYWH (elevation 5641'), the LDG ELEVN shows 0 on the SD: As shown in the screenshot, the cabin happily descends below landing elevation. Could this be fixed?
  2. I had this WASM crash when I selected the departure runway in the FMGCS. To reproduce: Load at gate Power on aircraft (Battery, GPU) Import Simbrief OFP using OIS Load company flight plan Select runway (RWY 19 in this case, using DEPARTURE button) Systems freeze Information Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS20 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: Attached Specs: i7-9700K, RTX 3080ti, 32GB RAM WASM: Exception c0000005 in gauge MFD in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/inibuilds-aircraft-a350-900/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm FACTEDDM_PDF_1740865389.pdf
  3. Please allow me to bump this topic: Magnetic variation in FACT is 26°W. Syncing the EFB T/O performance loads the magnetic runway heading and the true wind from the METAR. Is the discrepancy dealt with by the EFB, or should I be adding variation to the WIND field? All academic I suppose, but having the variation applied automatically would be cool.
  4. Thanks @richboy2307, after seeing your other post about the LVARs in-sim, I found the same ones you tried, but couldn't get them to work with the AAO demo version. I'll stick to the trigger and moving slightly for the time being. I think the external animation may be out of sync though, the ECAM only indicates REV (along with the associated sound change) when the lever datum reaches the yellow horizontal line just above the R.
  5. Hi @richboy2307, Thanks for the suggestion, I was doing a similar thing with "hold throttle reverse", but I'm assuming in your IDLE REV screenshot where the levers are still at idle, the doors don't actually deploy. I have to move the levers forward quite a bit to enter the yellow reverse zone before the reversers actually deploy. Or I pull them back into the "button" zone and "reduce throttle" repeat to max reverse. When I pull them back to idle in reverse axis mode, they deactivate immediately, so if I want to keep idle reverse, I need to stop above idle somewhere. Is there an LVAR perhaps for idle reverse and max reverse? I could set up the flip lever to set idle reverse, pull back into the button zone to set full reverse and back to idle reverse when the "button" is released.
  6. On a flight from ENSB to ENGM, and the ETAs aren't working: The time is 1541Z, and that is also the time shown at ATSOT on the MCDU, although it is over 400NM behind me. It's supposed to be showing the time I reached ATSOT, but it's showing the present time and keeps updating. The ETA for NORVA. the next waypoint shown on the ND is over an hour away (ETA 1647), though only 120NM away (GS 431kt, should be about 17 minutes). Correct ETA would be 1704. Could this be investigated please?
  7. I turned on the brake fans pulling onto stand and within 3 minutes, the brakes had cooled from over 300°C to ambient 15°C. Could the cooling be applied a little more realistically?
  8. Is there a way to toggle idle reverse, like in the real thing where lifting the triggers does just that? I've set my Bravo up so the (Airbus) reverse levers toggle "hold reverse thrust" - I can then either pull them back ("decrease throttle") which opens the reversers and applies full power, or I can, somewhat unrealistically, move the axes forward and regulate the reverse thrust using the normal axes. The problem is, just lifting the levers keeps the engines in forward idle. In most cases, I just want idle reverse. If this isn't possible in MSFS, I'd happily buy AAO or similar if there's an LVAR for it.
  9. To further illustrate the point, see comparison below, all aircraft roughly pointing at the VOR (CTV 115.70): Fenix A320 iniBuilds A310 iniBuilds A300: The A300 RMI is off by what appears to be the airport's magnetic variation (26°W), despite the CDI on the ND actually being centered on a valid radial.
  10. I've already used Hervé's file, no change unfortunately. Default airport. In my first screenshot, I'm 17.5 nautical miles from the station flying directly towards the airport (visually and according to FMC). Using basic trigonometry, that 26° offset on the RMI would put the station 8.5 NM away from the airport! I'm suspecting it is related to the aircraft dealing with variation or station declination, as I've experienced other variation related issues affecting the FMS: The above issue was fixed for 1.1.1, the VOR bearing/declination issue remains.
  11. Should I report this variation anomaly elsewhere, or is it an acknowledged bug?
  12. Unfortunately the RMI seems to be affected by variation, CTV at FACT in this example. I'm pointing straight at the station, but the needles are (about 26 degrees) off: I can further confirm this after parking on stand. The VOR is behind me, to the left: But the RMI shows it's to my right: When I enter the VOR on the PROG page, the bearing to the station is shown true, without the 26 degrees magnetic variation.
  13. The sync doesn't seem to be importing what is shown on the METAR, including temperature.
  14. After this morning's hotfix was downloaded, the issue is fixed, thanks!
  15. I noticed the following in the v1.1.1 release notes: Fixed - Wrong bearings on SID (FACT RWY19 TETAN 1A SID) Unfortunately this is not the case. It appears to be a general issue, see RWY 19 OKTED 1B below: Again, I suspect it has something to do with the variation not being applied properly.
  16. For some reason, the TETAN 1A SID off RWY 19 in Cape Town is not following runway track to 5 DME CTV as intended, but veers off to the left instead. The below screenshot shows the charted track in red: I have a suspicion the magnetic variation (26°W) might have something to do with this (similar issues at FAOR), is this an issue with the A300 or with the Navigraph data?
  17. Could I confirm that the EFB performance pages use magnetic heading for the runway and true for the METAR? For Cape Town (magnetic variation 26 degrees West) I noticed that the true wind from the METAR is inserted into the performance page when syncing: But the runway heading is magnetic: If the EFB were comparing apples with apples, it would need to use 156/17 magnetic for the wind, or is the variation taken care of in the background?
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