When trying to enter the winds aloft for the enroute fixes that are missing the wind numbers (<- known issue), the system does not allow entries above 100 kts. When I try to enter e.g. 118 knots it won't accept and gives "Entry out of range" message, resetting my entry to 000.
I have it happen that on longer routes, although the enroute winds are listed in the simbrief flight plan, many do not appear in the MFD Wind CRZ page. Even after forcing downloading the winds (CPNY WIND REQ -> *insert). Anybody else having this issue?
Similar problem here. The standard/default map is displaying, few days ago I even had the IFR High - Day maps display and was pleasently surprised. Yesterday however every maps except the default/standard do not show up (black). Hmmm..
Hello IniBuilds Team, enjoying your A350 really a lot, very happy. As the title says, would it be possible to make the window shades cast an actual shadow (into the flightdeck)when in direct sunlight? In the LatinVFR A340 the shades actually do this (FS2020) so I guess it should be technically possible. The killer would be if the produced shade even was tinted like the shades themselves (yellow/orange) like in the real world.
Thank you for listening, keep the updates coming! Love your A350 🙂
I have around 16 FPS in the flightdeck, 13 FPS in external view during cruise. It is not ideal but its okayish for me, as I have a rather weak system: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7 3770 @ 3.40GH, 16,0GB Dual-Channel DDR3, GPU RTX3060ti 8GB.
Same here! Upon trying to enter ZFW on the INIT page, cursor stops working, cannot make any further entries through my keyboard, also cannot switch to different menus, stuck on the INIT page.
Second attempt after reloading session: trying to select a SID but I cannot use the cursor to "grapple" the scroll bar to move down to the desired SID. 😞
I love your airbus series so far. Is there a tiny chance we might see an A346 from ini sometime down the road? Thanks for all the hard work, I really enjoy your Airbusses.
Just as a reference, here is a screenshot from the flightdeck on an A320neo during cruise. It appears to be flying faster (Mach .78 versus Mach .76) nevertheless the difference in the pitch up angle is evident. In the real-world screenshot the pitch up attitude looks like close to 2.5 degrees nose-up attitude.
I am on my second flight with this beauty now and I wonder if it is normal to have a 5 degree nose pitch up attitude during cruise (currently FL380, Mach .76).
Seems to be too high, I would expect something like 2.5 degrees nose pitch up attitude.
Is this an error of the flight model or is this correct? Just wondering...
Thanks for any pointers. I pretty much enjoy flying with your 320Neo version 2!
Great job inibuilds, I only fly your A300 in MSFS for weeks and enjoy it very much! Amazing work!
In your previews of the A300 for MSFS you showed a few screenshots with your A300 in the Lufthansa liveries of D-AIAP. It looks like I cannot find it in your inimanager, I know there are other Lufthansa liveries available, I have them, I would love to have more variety, meaning more of the real world registrations of the LH fleet.
Has the livery of D-AIAP been released yet?
Thanks for any pointers! 🙂