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  1. You need to press the according line select key (right side). Then go to 'next page' and there you can insert the data.
  2. How you dare saying this. This is absolutely realistic. I do it all the time.
  3. However the auto tiller disconnect option should work, it seems it doesn't work as it should.
  4. Thanks for the explanation. If I understood this correctly, you would need this option only, if you have the rudder steering active (rudder controls tiller) in the EFB. If you use a separate tiller, you wouldn't need it anyways. Maybe that explains, why it is messing around when having the rudder=tiller option deactivated while having the auto disconnect option activated?
  5. My observation is, that at least the TOD calculation is still off (way to late on all of my flights so far).
  6. Try it with auto tiller disconnect off.
  7. Had this for the first time too (with version 1.03).
  8. Hi there, tiny EFB bug. In the settings the 'auto tiller disconnect' option isn't saved between sessions. Have to set it again to 'off' with every new flight/MSFS session.
  9. RogePete


    So I assume toggle jetway doesn't work both ways? (don't know since I use GSX) Did you try it via ATC window?
  10. RogePete


    Check the load page (EFB).
  11. During touch down also heard some gear noises. So there is sound with 1.03. But maybe to quiet. (could be a personal preference) Overall still: bleed air is to loud in relation to other sounds, like GPWS or ALT callouts. If you pull up the 'system' slider, bleed is way to loud, if you pull down the 'system' slider all other cockpit sounds (see above) are way to quiet.
  12. HI there, now being able to move the charts in the EFB 'with your finger' (mouse), you could get rid of the little arrows to move the chart (saves some space). 🙂
  13. First takeoff: heard some rumble and wheel noises. Seems to be good now. 👍
  14. Hi there, I think I have no wheel/ground sounds at all since 1.02. No rumbling when taxiing or taking off. Absolutely no sound feedback (gear) during touch down. I checked the EFB sound settings. There's nothing set to low.
  15. I keep slats and flaps (15/15) until around 200kts and then retract all to zero in one go. Clean speed (green dot) is short above 200 in most cases.
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