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  1. That would make sense. Is it really that explosive in real life. I'm surprised no one else has reported it?
  2. I'm afraid I disagree. The "explosion" happens when the aircraft rotates and lifts from the runway we'll before the gear is retracted. The gear retraction noise is something completely different. These are 2 different sound sets. Even with gear bump noise off the explosion is still present!? The question for the Devs is .. "What noise is trigged when the aircraft rotates and lifts off the ground".
  3. The thud as the aircraft lifts off is real!?! I know they said the wheels retracting was loud this is as I rotate off the runway? If that's true it must be unsettling for the passengers 🤣 but good to know thanks.
  4. Not sure if it helps but I found I had to calibrate the TCA throttle, then exit to the main menu, then the reverse worked. Not tried if it saves correctly after a full exit of the sim and reload (if that makes sense). Might be something, maybe not, but thought I'd mention it?
  5. I agree, the aircraft rotates on its own in 2020 even with the correct trim set. To me that's not right? Then there's the huge thud / crash as I lift off the main wheels!?
  6. This has been fixed in the latest release. I do however get a loud bang on rotation, possibly the main gear "dropping". Is that normal? Is it the option of gear bump in the menus?
  7. Same here sadly, many flights now. No contrails in 2020
  8. I use TrackIR and find clicking on the FMS very difficult unless completely still, then it's ok. I'd agree with the above post that head tracking could be an issue. Something for iniBuilds to check please - head tracking vs FMS input - thank you.
  9. Anyone else getting a great deal of noise, assume wind noise, when the gear is lowered? I know the front gear travel is noisy, but this is so loud I can’t hear the 2500ft call! Oddly it then subsidedes as I get closer to the ground to be a low rumble at 500ft so I can hear the call outs? Thanks in advance
  10. Same here
  11. I had the same issue on my first flight in MSFS 2020. I did another flight and they worked the second time. Not had a chance to do a third flight? Might be worth exiting to the main menu and trying again. Hope this helps.
  12. I was having huge problems with calibration. I first had to set the windows calibration back to default with these instructions. I could only do this after uninstalling the Thrustmaster TFHT as I couldn't get the default windows box to reset calibration to default: https://ts.thrustmaster.com/faqs/eng/FAQ_Joysticks_Remove_Win_Calibration_All.pdf Then for good measure I calibrated my TCA again: https://www.simvol.org/en/articles/tutorials/calibrate-thrustmaster-tca-airbus Then I followed the above steps from 21grams. No more reverse at idle. I hope it helps someone who's also struggling.
  13. I'm having problems getting my Logitech G Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant calibrated via the EFB. It doesn't seem to recognise the reversers. I chose the reversers on throttle (not in front of PC right now but think that's the term). Can anyone give some pointers for assistance please.
  14. Seems to only be at cruise, not noticed in the decent or slower speeds?
  15. This is hard to describe but is anyone else experiencing a looped noise when the engines are running. It sounds like 3 air-conditioning pops / puffs / rumbles then a longer noise. Really hard to describe but really annoying once you hear it?
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