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  1. Still no news , happens also in 1.0.5.
  2. Reported this weeks ago...... Ther are NO keybindings for that.... Ignored by inibuilds...... Resolution: Move the rudder a little bit left and right, then the left spiler comes in......
  3. Reported this weeks ago...... Ther are NO keybindings for that.... Ignored by inibuilds...... Resolution: Move the rudder a little bit left and right, then the left spiler comes in......
  4. There are no buttons assigned........ This is also in the latest v1.0.3 and in both sims, 2020 and 2024!
  5. Mark and show us updated liveries. At this time, its more coincidence to find livery updates in the ini Manger.
  6. Same for me........ WEASM Folder cleared.... Happend on the moment I entered the STAR. Etnered the STAR. Short freeze of 5 seconds Plane comes back flying, all displays freezed Fligtplan is empty, until the alternate
  7. YEAH so it has to go 🤪
  8. Flying on VATSIM gives me some troubles, because of regulary unwanted frequency changes that I havent done. Anybody else have this issue. However, I have disabled ATC Voice etc, so good as the sim allows this. This problem isn't in other airplanes, only have found it in the A350. Suggestions?
  9. At the end of the day, I see many things that are commented with "because why it works so in the real aircraft". This often missunderstands that mostly all of us here - never fly a real aircraft - never sit in a real aircraft nir simulator We do this at our pc system at home, under totally different settings. Because of this often there are things, the canniot be simulated in the way like in the real airplane. I remember at these threads where the nowewheel steering was disussed thousad times..... Its a same topic, because how it is handled in the real world, is slightly impossible to map this to a simulator in the pc.... I understand the "very carefully crafted based on heaps of data as well as A LOT of type-rated pilot guidance". But remember, more than 99% of your customers are'nt typrated 😁
  10. Remark: Autorudder and all other Assistance features are all "disabled" !!!
  11. Yes. Can load into the flight and look arround. If I do the first click in the cockpit -> CTD 🫠
  12. This is important: Pls fix the handling of the aircraft in manual flight conditions, especially in the final approach. There is something wrong and its hard to control the planes roll rate. Correct to the right, put the stick back, the plane stops slow to roll, this ends in correcting left, the plane begins slow to roll to the left, and so on.. Theres no other plane in the MSFS with this strange behavior. Your A330 does this very very great, and also your A300. At the current state its totally crazy how the plane reacts to rudder inputs on slowers speeds...... (( I dont undertsand what your testers have don in "thousands of hours".... maybe they ar eonly able to do autolands?? ))
  13. Same problem?
  14. Also Newsky -> newsky.app has removed the A350 support because of this bug
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