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Everything posted by DiBarkis

  1. Just like the title says, I've noticed that other doors have their handles animated like the cargo doors, for instance. But the passenger door handles do not animate. Not cool, especially since the Airbus door handles are relatively huge and long (compared to say, Boeing 787, 737, etc), and lift out of recess significantly. So the lack of animation is glaringly noticeable. I've also noticed, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I've also noticed that the handle components are actually modeled, and it's not just a painted line on the door textures. I know this because I clipped my drone camera into the door and saw the components making up the handle. Maybe it's a bug and therefore scheduled to be fixed later, or maybe it's intended to not be animated (carenado style lol) But I think it would be awesome to have them animated just like the cargo ones. Thanks for your consideration.
  2. Same here too. And as a result, GSX can't open it when you request stairs either.
  3. Curious: where is that light located? I've also noticed that when I switch it on, there's no light anywhere, but I don't know where the physical light is.
  4. For now, the workaround is to request refuelling again after you're done refuelling, and the cover will close. Make sure, though that you request the exact amount you have so the truck just drives off without adding more fuel, otherwise it'll open again.
  5. Shift + C to get in and out of aircraft. No click spots for doors
  6. I have the same issue. It happens if you use GSX to refuel the aircraft. A workaround is to call back the fuel truck after it has left, and it will close.
  7. Not really, as I'm having the same issue here, and I have the Aviator Edition. I disabled the Gaya Simulations EDDF, EGLL, and KSFO and never went back to check if they were actually disabled on next launch, but as EGLL was taking ridiculously long to spawn into (I have 1200mbps download bandwidth and top end graphics, CPU, NVMe and RAM), I had time to look closely at the map, and realized there were 2 sceneries superimposed. Lo and behold, Gaya has been re-enabled. So I checked the others and they also are enabled. OMDB on the other hand, remains disabled so no double sceneries. I've tried using the green marketplace icon on the top right, no joy, so I tried using the Antonov picture, no joy either. I've also run MSFS as administrator, still no joy. Minus OMDB, they're all re-enabled on next MSFS2024 launch.
  8. Happened to me too. Long Haul from KBOS to VHHH. Just before TOD. I did everything and couldn't restore it. I could go to the tablet, but all other screens and controls were frozen. I had to quit. And now I remember clicking the "video" button. Being the "Curious Joe" that I am, I couldn't resist that "temptation" lol. But I never linked the two events because I didn't immediately notice the freeze. Good to know the reason because I was afraid of doing any other flight
  9. I agree! Model the whole thing and make it optional to turn it on or off depending on ones system specs.
  10. Dear IniBuilds Support, I believe there's some error with the runway threshold lighting on three runways. Runways 12L, 12R and 30R all have displaced thresholds, normally, displaced thresholds have red lights to indicate they're not the actual thresholds, and the actual (landing) thresholds have the green lights. Now, in OMDB the displaced thresholds don't have the red lights, but they have red sideline lights and the touchdown zone lights are also red until the actual threshold. The green lights are located on the actual thresholds. See video links and attached pics for comparison (I couldn't find a video for RWY 12R but it's same with the other 2): Runway 12L: Runway 30R:
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