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  1. Hi, there ARE Vars for the blue dot. Using these: L:INI_ENGINE1_TLA_N1, Number L:INI_ENGINE2_TLA_N1, Number At least the values change accordingly to the movement of the blue dot. Cheers
  2. Hi, I just figured that the function of the Rudder Trim Knob works opposite. That means when you turn the knob to the right (supposed to turn rudder/nose right), the nose and indication turn left and vice versa. Please fix this. Rgds Chris
  3. Hi, I just figured that the LVar for "blue dot" for ENG 2 is not present. While the LVar for ENG 1 is working fine (L:FG_N1_TGT, Number): Would be nice if you could fix this. best regards Chris
  4. Hi all, it would be nice if we would have a copilot avatar visible with us in the cockpit. I tried to edit the respective files myself (worked on other aircraft though) but this leads to errors in iniBuilds cockpit. So please activate this feature for your aicraft, would be very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. Rgds Chris
  5. I am using the A300 with AAO (and a VRi MCP Combo connected) and SD/SD+ working fine. I am one of the creator of the profiles. What exactly is the issue? Do your rotaries produce inputs in AAO for both directions?
  6. I did that too, but obviously it does nothing except you hear that „click“… The button in the cockpit does not move with that LVar. I wrote a script that holds the button for 1 second and then releases it again. But maybe that second is too short.
  7. As I am constructing and constantly enhancing various SD profiles I found and issue with the TO CONFIG TEST BUTTON. It is unfortunately NOT possible to trigger this button by using the given LVar (INI_TAKEOFF_CONFIG_PRESSED). Obviously it is for reading purposes only, if this button is pressed but internally it does nothing. Is there a BVar I am missing or how is it possible to trigger this button externally? Any help is deeply appreciated. Keep up the great work! rgds chris
  8. DISREGARD: They ARE active!!! Post can be deleted/closed Thank you
  9. Hi, there are LVars which are supposed to show the remaing aligning time for the IRS's. (L:INI_IRS1_TIME_REMAIN, number) (L:INI_IRS2_TIME_REMAIN, number) (L:INI_IRS3_TIME_REMAIN, number) But when starting to align the IRS system they still remain at a value of "0". As I am programming scripts and SD profiles to replicate all the functions to use them with different hardware, it would be very nice if you could fix thsi and make them "active". best regards Chris
  10. The program is called AAO (axis and ohs). Wonder that you don’t know it. That’s the number one program for scripting, using external hardware and much more for flightsim. THE swissknife 😉 the vars you mentioned are none existent. cheers Chris
  11. Hi all, I just figured that the LVAR for "Slides armed" stays at "0" all the time and doesn't change although if all Slides are armed. (see screenshot) As this LVar is obiously present why doesn't it change to "1" if all slides are armed? Due to I am programming Streamdeck Profiles for the community it would be very nice if you could make this Value/LVar active as this is needed for the implementation for operating the slides (handles). Or is there an index I have to add like "L:INI_SLIDES_ARMED:1, Number" ? Thank you guys for such a great product and I am really looking forward to the next update hopefully coming soon 😉
  12. Thanks for reply. As I described above I have several projects running with AAO (Conversation, FMC, ext hardware etc.) on the A306 where I am dependent on these Vars. They have to be read and used by several scripts.
  13. Ok, I rechecked with the new update and A300-600 transponder panel reference. Sorry, was my bad! The switch function looks ok. When switched to TA/RA and TA it also sets the transponder to ON mode. That is supposed to be correct!! Was not aware of this since in other aircraft TCAS does NOT toggle transponder modes... Topic can be closed! Thank you!
  14. If you fly online and use the respective client for IVAO or VATSIM, just switch the TCAS to STBY or TA/RA and you probably will see that the transponder mode C will turn on and off. I am flying with IVAO and with the "altitude" pilot client you will see that the transponder will go on STBY when switchin the TCAS NOT to TA/RA
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