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  1. Hi, I have found out that it is not possible to continue the flight after landing on the first leg and start up again to do the second leg. After pushback to start the second leg in the same simulatpr session the engine spool up, but never get to work, choosing the panel state to "On APU" is not solving anything (also then the engines are not coming alive), only solution is to choose "ready for take-off panel setting..... What to do about this?
  2. This is a known issue, don't know when they are going to fix it....really annoying !
  3. Same problem here, but on really short flights <1 hour so no step climbs. I fly this route for training purpose every day the last days and 2 out of 4 flights the warning comes up while I always plan with Simbrief.
  4. So I have flown a few legs after the first update, one of them was a flight from Kathmandu to Buthan (I know the A350 is not flying in there but hey...). The RWY15 approach into Buthan is not specified in the A350 FMC (probably in no other FMS aswell) so I wanted to set the waypoints into the FMC myself. The disappearing FlightPlan bug is all over the place and waypoints you bring into the FMC are coming into it as the first waypoint to fly to, even when you put them in below other points. Also I found out that the clickspots on the FMC screen is extremely buggy....you have to click multiple times to get things done. What i found out too, is that BTV can not be set 3 of 5 times because the arrival airport is not coming up, only the deperture airpoirt is....but there we do not have to brake and vacate. These 4 bugs (Clickspots, BTV landing airport not showing up, disappearing Flightplans and waypoint insertion) are extremely annoying and makes the aircraft unflyable for me. I hope this will be adressed really soon..... Thank you !
  5. Thanks Eddy for your reaction, as I stated in my other post....after the update things are better now ! (but still some things to adress) Thanks for updating the aircraft !
  6. Thank you Eddy for your reaction to my post. I have downloaded and installed the update and am happy to see the charts are now working and the hard rumbling sound after lowering the gear is gone. For now I still have to do a few more flights to see but the things that I hope that will be adressed in the next uopdate are: - Engine sound during descent when the engine turn to idle are not realistic (harsh whoosh sound wich should not be there). - Clickspots in the displays still not accurate, sometimes have to click 3 or 3 times to get any reaction (but seems to be better then before. - There still is a "Crash sound" to be heard after rotating the aircraft on take-off. The update came right on time for me, now I will not park it in the hanger but keep making flights with it to see how it goes further. Thanks again ! Ben
  7. I was extremely looking forward to this release...tonight i flew two legs for 4 hours online at vatsim with friends....i was whole evening busy handling the shortcomings. Clickspots on the FMC screen are not working okay too, sometimes it works right away and sometimes you need to click 5 times, when entering a different waypoint on the fly you loose your whole flightplan, on final you can not hear the ATC because of the extreem landing gear sound, no charts in the cockpit etc etc... Inibuilds must have known all this, because they tested this....i fly in MFS2020 in VR but when i fly it in msfs2024 in VR i loose my mousepointer all the time and my toolbar. That is probably MS fault and not inibuilds. In MSFS2024 I do have Niavigraph charts...but 20204 is unflyable. It is a shame that companies like MS and inibuilds think that they canb come away with this, just trow the product on the market when you think now we need the customers money....finish it later.
  8. I have to agree with you, I was extremely looking forward to this release...tonight i flew two legs for 4 hours online at vatsim with friends....i was whole evenig busy handling the shortcomings. Clickspots on the FMC screen are not working okay too, sometimes it works right away and sometimes you need to click 5 times, when entering a different waypoint on the fly you loose your whole flightplan, on final you can not hear the ATC because of the extreem landing gear sound, no charts in the cockpit etc etc... Inibuilds must have known all this, because they tested this....i fly in MFS2020 in VR but when i fly it in msfs2024 in VR i loose my mousepointer all the time and my toolbar. That is probably MS fault and not inibuilds. In MSFS2024 I do have Niavigraph charts...but 20204 is unflyable. It is a shame that companies like MS and inibuilds think that they canb come away with this, just trow the product on the market when you think now we need the customers money....finish it later.
  9. Sorry...wrong forum place (MSFS2020), i can not delete my post.....
  10. Hi, MSFS2024.....I have SU1 installed, the aircraft loads okay but when I enter the cockpit with Shift-C, the sim freezes right away....unable to use ! Kind regards, Ben
  11. Yes I have….. thanks…. Will unlink it
  12. ad me to the list with the same problem MSFS2020, but what a fantastic aircraft ! Very good FR, great visuals and sounds (except after I lowerd the gear...something is wrong with that sound)
  13. More info regarding my previous message above....Using MSFS2020 !
  14. Same here MSFS2020....aircraft keeps flying but not with the right Flightdynamics....feels very light after the displays are frozen..... happened to me while i was fiddling in the FMC.
  15. Same here....but it goes away when you spool up the engines during approach ....when you decrease the engines trust the sound comes back....quite disturbing (but love the visuals, flight model, FR)
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