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  1. Jovzin

    Printer ?

    Hello I see there is option to print ATIS or some flight plan or other things. But well nothing is happening when I click print. Will we have simmilar thing like FBW A32NX has that we get actual paper with info from printer ? I know printer should be here on A350. Hope in the future it will work simmilar way as on FBW A32NX 🙂
  2. Never mind I was able to get out of it clicking on INIT / DIR / PERF buttons next to controls of thrust 🙂
  3. MSFS2020 : I got some issue. Was trying the ATC com menu. And at first I was unable to scroll down where is the down button next to Notify to ATC. So I decided I will try to put there manually the letters. But now I am stuck on this and can not change to any other. Not possible to change to D-ATIS or Flight plan or to INS. Nothing. It is just stuck on this Notify to ATC. Can not type anything to that field too. no
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