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Matteo Spacca

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Everything posted by Matteo Spacca

  1. I'm using the Boeing TCA. It did't happen again after 1.01. If it does I will try to reproduce.
  2. I did a similar post few days ago. To reproduce depart from Helsinki RWY 04R on the NUNTO4C SID. Aircraft does not follow the SID and FD stays on RWY heading (if autopilot on ac will fly RWY heading). It also happened departing Split airport. All other airport I flew out of had no issues. If I can give my 2 cents this is happening when first fix is really close to the runway followed by a sharp turn to the next fix
  3. Same thing here. Happened during initial approach into LGAV. At around 2000 feet aircraft fell out of the sky and crashed after 5 second
  4. Happened 2 times out of 6 flights out of 26L at EDDP. Just after rotation thrust dropped to idle. Had to disconnect A/T and manually add power. Then A/T engaged again and all fine for the rest of the flight
  5. Disabled
  6. ILS Z RWY21 in LGAV. Stable on the ILS. At 1500AGL the aircraft just fell out of the sky and crashed after 3 seconds. I had a lot of warning and lights but did't have the time to understand.
  7. Autopilot armed in NAV mode and correctly annunciated on the pfd After passing the first fix the FD temains centered and does not follow the lateral navigation. To solve the issue had to insert a direct to the nex fix To reproduce: Depart EFHK RWY4R on the NUNTO4C. After passing first fix ( HK416 ) the autopilot dors not follow the route and stays on rwy heading
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