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Matteo Spacca

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  1. There are issues with addon airports and the LIDO/Navigraph database. I believe you are using a 3rd party VHHH. IN this case go to the community folder and add an "A" in front of the name of the scenery folder. This will solve your issue. Note that this trick doesn't work for all 3rd party airports SID/STARS Matteo
  2. This is because all HH fixxes in the sid/star are populated with longitude/latitude equal to 0N/0E
  3. I also had the issue with VHHH. The “A” trick solved the issue in this case. For example this trick doesn’t work for all the MC fixes in LIMC
  4. There are issues with Navigraph/MS/ASOBO/Lido at the moment. Fisrt workaround is to add an "A" in front of the scenery name in the community folder but it doesn't always work for me (at least not for every airport). Navigraph is aware of the issue and already opened a ticket with MS/Asobo Matteo
  5. You have it correctly installed but I believe the FMC is still showing/loading the stock LIDO data (AB49012001)
  6. Good evening, Today Navigraph released their AIRAC cycle for MSFS2024, I loaded in the A330 but I can see that the airac is not loaded and the aircraft sticks with the default MSFS24 database. Is there a workaround for this? Matteo
  7. Same here. Sometimes all ok some others stutters every second. I does not depends on location. Tried EDDP with the PW Freighter. First flight stutter second and 3rd all fine...today stutters every second again. 4090 + 7800X3D
  8. Same for me the first time I loaded in. After restart I did’t have the issue anymore Matteo
  9. Hello. Is there a way to solve this? My entire flights are inside the captain head. I did not find a way to remove the avatar Matteo
  10. I picked the A300 for the Vatsim Cross the Pond next Saturday.....multiple fingers crossed. BTW @iniBuilds this product is amazing.....but this falling out of the sky/fuel/unrecoverable failures have been there since Day 1. Matteo
  11. Same here. Sometimes it crashes MSFS, sometimes the aircraft loads completely dead. If this happens just load another aircraft and then load the A300 again.
  12. 40% then TOGA button. It happens randomly...I'll try to record takeoffs and post the results if it happens again.
  13. Hello everyone. This is the second time I have this issue. Both times taking off from EDDP. Just after rotation engines throttle down and a/t disconnects. I have to manually apply full trust and re-engage auto/t + NAV + Profile. Anything I can check? I have more then 50 flights with this bird but it looks strange that same issue only twice at the same airport
  14. ROUTE ID: DEFRTE EFHK/04R VALOX4C VALOX Y117 ROSAX DCT PIMEX P739 DEREX DCT GORPI Z80 TILAV L87 PESEL DCT RAKIT M725 OBANI Z36 BEBKU T950 LUXBO LUXBO1V EDDP/26L It did not follow the initial LNAV path in 3 different attempts in 3 different versions V.1.0 V1.03 V1.08 No issues with other airports
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