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Matteo Spacca

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  1. There are several topics on the navigraph forum. This has to do with 3rd pary airports not adhereing with new new packages prioritization introduced with MSFS2024. It’s not 100% clear to me but scenary developers need to update their airports to be compatible with the new sim otherwise you may find missing/wrong fixes in approaches and departures. No issues with aircraft having their own Airac database like the Fenix or the A350 but with default aircarft you may encounter issues
  2. Tap on the brakes. I had the same issue in FS2020 and 2024 with the Fenix Airbuses
  3. I also have 32GB but I'm using around 15
  4. I have WASM crash every time I select OTHH in the ANF. Can someone check if it is me or a general issue? I'm using MX design OTHH (don't know if it make a difference) Matteo
  5. You cannot turn off the rolling cache in 2024
  6. I will try a couple of more flights and see if i can sort it out
  7. The aircraft works pretty fine on my system but for some reason I’m getting heavy stutters and 2-3 seconds freeze on short final at any airport. I thought this was due to ANF loading the airport map so (as iniBuild suggested) i tried downloading the arrival airport map at the beginning of the flight but that didn’t help Issue is also more noticeable after yesterday’s update. Any help/suggestions? Matteo
  8. Good evening, Is there a way to disable the automatic ANF on touchdown? Airport map is a really nice feature but in my case it causes stutters and performance degradation. Matteo
  9. Thanks. I figured it out this morning
  10. Is this related to one sim or happens on both? I had a few flights in 2020 and 2024 but did not experienced any issues with frozen display/WASM Matteo
  11. I believe it is just a matter of personal preferences. but for sure IRL you can here engine whine and nose gear bumps
  12. Matteo Spacca


    Aircraft works fine in MS2024. Update to SU1 beta takes literally 2 mouse clicks and you can only benefits from the bug fixes. When SU1 will drop you will be opted out ftom the beta automatically and have te latest official build. The A350 has few bugs but the guys at inibuild have always been pretty darn quick to fix important issues and in the mean time MS2024 will make progress and become more stable. If I were you I'll give it a try
  13. Good question. I can barely here them from the cockpit
  14. Unfortunately it doesn't work
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