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Everything posted by kevink817

  1. Did you hit the TOGA button?
  2. First, V1.0.6 is available, i'd recommend you update to that if you can. Second, for takeoff - spool the engines to 40-50% and press the TOGA button. For convience, they've placed a TOGA click spot button on the panel in front of you to the left of the Auto-land button and outlined in orange.
  3. That should say "select the button to the left"
  4. simconnect event AUTOPILOT_OFF
  5. Use the AUTOPILOT_OFF command in MSFS if you don't want to use something like Spad.Next
  6. You have to select your SID and STAR in the FMS after you import the flight plan. After import, click on FPLN. Select the bottom to the left of your origin airport. Select SID. Select your ATC (or self) -assigned runway, STAR, and transitions if any. Click the *INSERT to add it to the flight plan. Same process for STARs, you just need to select the destination airport.
  7. There is a bug here, but it's not what you might think😅 Your issue is most likely an issue with one of your axes (pitch, roll, or yaw) sending spurious signals to the sim and disconnecting the autopilot. After engaging AP1, any major movement of the joystick or rudder pedals turned off the autopilot straight away in my sim with the 3 chirps. Now here is the bug: If i engage AP2, no flight control inputs are disconnecting the autopilot. Pitch and roll axes from my joystick do not seem to be registered by the aircraft by looking at the yoke/control column, or on the F/CTL page. Yaw axes input from my rudder pedals do indeed show the rudder pedals in the aircraft moving, but there is no yaw applied to the aircraft, and on the F/CTL page, the rudder remains neutral. The simconnect AUTOPILOT_OFF command does disconnect AP1 or AP2 whichever is enabled. The AUTOPILOT_ON command always engages AP1.
  8. For the people having FPS issues, are you using FSRealistic? I found this to be the source of all of my FPS degredation and CTDs on long flights (not just with the A300) - it turns out that app continued to eat up memory and slow my system to a crawl until MSFS crashed. After closing FSRealistic completely and not using it, no more FPS drops over long flights, no more CTDs.
  9. Just experienced this twice in a row on a departure from OMDB - RWY 30R on the ANVI7F departure. Even with NAV mode engaged, it flew straight through DB570. I gave it a DIR TO DB587 to get it back on track. It flew the rest of the SID perfectly, but after the transition ANVIX it did not turn towards the first enroute waypoint of GIDIS. I gave it another DIR TO for VAVIM, and now it seems to be following the rest of my route correctly. For reference, here is my complete routing: OMDB/30R ANVI7F ANVIX R401 GIDIS G783 UKRAG L710 KUKDI B400 RIGAM B403 BOMIX UB403 MAV UP312 WAV WAJI1A HKJK/JOM2C.I06 Please note that after I imported the flight plan from Simbrief I selected RWY 30L that simbrief had selected for me. I later changed the runway to 30R with the same SID. Thanks for looking into this.
  10. First, I would like to say this is a beautiful rendition of the airport and surrounding area. I love the scenery! However, it comes at an extreme performance hit to the point where I'd prefer to go back to other available (and less resource intensive) sceneries. I have tried turning off interiors, people, vegetation, etc. but it only helps a little bit. Is there a reason the Concourse B interior (and control tower interior) is still modeled when deselecting interiors from the iniManager? All of the other concourses don't have interiors and seems to perform better, but still not great.
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