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  1. With the most recent update, the ability to request winds in the MENU page is back however it gets it wrong. Load a simbrief flight plan on XBox series X on the latest release of the A300 and complete the setup of the aircraft. Go into the descent forecast and you'll see that the data is upside down with the airport winds being the top of descent winds and the top of descent wind being the airport wind
  2. Left hand logo light points the wrong direction when viewed from some directions/orientations. SU1 beta .22 build
  3. On sim update 1 beta .22 build I have had 2 avionics freeze events when entering the arrival. Selected the arrival runway and went to select the arrival STAR and all of the avionics froze up. The first time it happened I was on the ground so I restarted the flight and it worked fine when I tried again. The second time I was en-route so had to just end the flight. A330-300GE. Xbox Series X
  4. I've only had this happen once and I saw what happened. The wind in the sim suddenly changed pushing the speed up into the red overspeed area. This prompted the autopilot to disengage and the flight directors to turn off
  5. Yeah I absolutely love flying it. Is really well done and works well - just got a few bugs that need squashed: descent winds import, 3-way cockpit switches and ATC sounds mostly
  6. Yeah these issues were introduced in the last update. Hopefully will be resolved soon though haven’t had any feedback yet to my post where I raised these issues
  7. Azlog

    Xbox - 1.1.15

    Descent winds are being imported again but they are upside down as they were before
  8. Azlog

    Xbox - 1.1.15

    I haven't tried that yet - the flight I did was flat terrain both ends
  9. Azlog

    Xbox - 1.1.15

    Light switches still broken (inverted) reading light appears on but turned to zero when starting cold and dark emergency exit lights on when starting cold and dark ATC voices now very distorted - see video On the plus side, RNAV worked perfectly https://www.xbox.com/play/media/ZkeAvzGxZS
  10. I find that the approach speed set by the MCDU in this aircraft is too close to the stall speed. This means that small gusts can trigger a stall disconnecting the autopilot and triggering the alpha floor (TOGA LK). If you use the performance calculator in simbrief, it will always give a Vapp that is 6kts higher than what the aircraft says it should be. As such, I always go into the PERF page and change the Vapp to a value 6kts higher than what it says. So if it has Vapp of 128kts, I set 134kts and that removes the issue Not sure on your second point. Are you using sim rate? The v2 doesn't like sim rate very much and it struggles to stay on track
  11. RNAV - so I thought it was working but it isn’t. Instead of arming in blue, it is now immediately turning green and beginning the descent path angle from the exact point that it activated. Has almost killed my virtual self twice now so definitely not pilot error
  12. Exactly how it is for me. APP NAV and FINAL in blue should change to FINAL APP in green and follow the purple rectangle but it doesn’t. Also got a problem with the A300 RNAV since the last update but that is for a different thread
  13. The FD/FPV switch also moves the wrong direction WX worked fine for me the other night flying into East Midlands during storm Eowyn. Although that also reminds me: SYS switch for weather radar also moves the wrong way
  14. Landing went well. Couldn’t really test the RNAV arming due to the continuous descent approach I was flying but all worked well Performance was good flying between KLAX and KSEA which are both handcrafted airports Still getting WASM crash (yikes turned fully left) on loading in 2024 but at least the character now stands beside the aircraft instead of being stuck under it as it was before - or maybe that’s the beta
  15. Landing calculator is good for MANUAL and AUTO MED braking for having 15/20 vs 30/40 shown the correct way around but AUTO LOW still gives longer landing distances for 30/40 than it does for 15/20
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