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  1. I came to the same conclusion as you, since I just upgraded my graphics card from a GTX1060 to a RTX4060 with FG and before the upgrade I didn't have any issues with the A310 and now started to have the reported issue. When I turn off the FG, the A310 loads fine every single time, whereas when the FG is on, it crashes every single time.
  2. After not havning flown for more than 6 months I recently decided to take the dust off my simulation hardware and software and decided to try the A310. After a few local flights to get familiar with the aircraft I decided to go further and do a flight that my flag carrier used to operate back in the 1990s with the A310: LPPT-FPST. I have been having issues in both tries I did, more or less 1h-1h15 into the flight while trying to populate the SEC FPLN with the route to alternate (FPST-FOOL) and after selecting the STAR and approach to alternate. On the first try, 2 days ago the FMC just froze after selecting the approach and STAR, today, same thing, but the FMC display text totally disappeared to an empty screen (but lit up). All symptoms are the same as with Henrique, the author of this topic: only the backup ADI/artificial horizon is working correctly. The altimeter needle also works, buth the altitude numbers behind the needle keep static.
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