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Everything posted by AmBiVeRtWVU

  1. While I'm on this topic, I might as well ask: Will it be possible to port over these MS 2020 planes including inibuilds plane into 2024? Will Microsoft be layering new planes on top of the original MS 2020 planes. Hope someone develops an import tool. The only thing I really have always hated about ugrading MSFS is having to say goodbye to the old stuff.
  2. No sweat. I will eventually build a new system. I had a suspicious feeling AVX was the issue. This requirement is starting to surface as a continual issue on several pieces of software. most of which I had no interest, until now. The CPU I have really is still quite functional. This CPU lasted me a long time. Oh well. I'll probably keep this system and move to linux then go with a cheap i5. Appreciate getting a definitive response from you guys so quickly. Will certainly be exploring more from your development team. I never found a need to upgrade until now, as it impacts one of the few pieces of software that I love. I think though that I'll wait until MSFS 2024 comes out before building the system. I'll move this system to my driving sim and wait it out. Thanks again.
  3. System is i7 980x Windows 10 latest version 4080 gpu 32G of RAM
  4. Forgot to mention I tried all of the recommended solutions, including emptying the community folder and any other conflicts. The only thing I haven't done is uninstall MSFS and reinstall or Install a fresh Windows. Not going to do that as people have and it didn't fix anything.
  5. Man, I wish I had these sorts of problems. I have all of the issues above; however, not only are my displays not on and the overhead looks like it's in test mode, but the tablet pad various states of cold and dark and flight ready don't do anything at all. I'm definitely running an old CPU, which is an i7 980x but geesh, I can only fly around blind. Love the plane, but at this juncture it is completely unflyable. I looked at Norton and Malwarebytes as I thought maybe one of those protection software ate a javascript guage or something, but that was not the case. I tried the trim switch, I've tried just about everything. Something is not either allowing it install properly, or build fully. Hope there's a workaround.
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