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Everything posted by einherz

  1. btw we have in 1.0.1 limited horizon as real one, i just didn't notice that first time:)
  2. may be you guys know what that's mean, i had that graphic all time after ctd that commit charge spike always or almost always before ctd
  3. sure, in 1.0.1 it's much better:) if next version will get limitation of ah to 23-27* it's will next step. i know only one person on planet who does never wrong is myself, because i do nothing.
  4. i don't think dcs modelling precession, but i really don't know. above i show the post from other forum there pilot said that thing actually useless, because need to be calibrated all time. and that's why you have to use bank and turn stuff there needle and ball can and will helpful with airspeed together. so actually pilots can use that thing, but with inclinometer. german ww2 birds has that horizon just together in one gauge where bank and turn by needle and ball. i really don't like calling the turn and slip, because literally nothing can show you slip/slide in an aircraft, because all that stuff have reaction on - is acceleration. slide/slip when aircraft moved by wind and corrected it by ailerons and rudder have constant side speed vector, and that's mean all that stuff will on neutral position. in the other hand when aircraft use rudder and have constant turning ball will show that turn because of centrifugal force... sorry for offtopic. but ball with needle actually show bank/roll and turn, not turn and slip:) and this certain attitude indicator too unstable for use it without correction. i guess most of them had this problem, except some really simple like attitude ball in the water/glycerol or something modern probably, i have no idea actually:)
  5. i didn't use modern avionic so far in the star. and as i said i don't really know what the cause, it can be anything include hardware. just some strange meet so old "friend":)
  6. yes, my speculation was wrong, it's not rare event lol... thank you
  7. and most importantly this https://www.pprune.org/tech-log/606486-gyro-turning-errors.html#post10506304 problem of this attitude indicator not in only one direction, the need to calibrate it every 3-4 minutes:) and be ready to use inclinometer as mentioned, and of course air speed, that i forgot, as by this parameter we can know how aoa close/far to/from 0... bad thing but hardly happen with inclinometer if we have inverted flight without banking and trimmed to have positive g, so with 0 viz, it will exactly as flight normal way by feeling, but in this situation again airspeed will grows too fast. so in any way we can be good if have only inclinometer and working air speed indicator. in the post that guy explain everything, i just write it inertially lol
  8. and one photo on some forum
  9. all i found is this attitude indicator type j8:) but info about ah, that's moves only up/down... as expected - nothing
  10. that's odd, and you know, it's highly inconvenient, and i'd say strongly unbelievable:) probably something misunderstanding, because when you flight night or bad weather you prefer to see the artificial horizon works as usual, actually you can use only inclinometer and vsi. but horizon line just can not use to be have this behavior by one simple cause - this can and will confuse pilot in bad visibility, and that's stuff dangerous in this condition. i'm not a pilot, and even never flight as real pilot, but this incredibly impossible, and have 0 sense. i think cause of ctd was around fslt i flew again with msfs default real traffic and after landing had only 95g in type tanks, so i flew long enough. from odesa to dnipro, from dnipro to kyiv... nothing even close looks like ctd:) however by some reason there no traffic at all in msfs. i don't really know what cause could be, but guess it can be everything include system conflict, like wrong memory command if use t-33 or something similar and fslt or something like that. or even only hardware problem. but how i said, ctd it's really rare event for me long time so far, except t-33 if flight some enough time for this. back to the horizon... it's moving this weird way even if the adf caged. so there something really wrong. this stuff in any way must show horizon it's too common function for change it to that strange way. i don't think the horizon line can be separate element, almost sure it just fixed part of the gyro ball... and gyro ball just must stay with same position and modeling the earth. this is the point, as i see. i really don't know, just think, you know... thank you, i hope this situation will solved soon, right now i will googling types of adf, i'm highly curious:)
  11. it's reproduced only by direct sunlight any other angle everything looks like real:)
  12. sure, with my pleasure. UserCfg.opt
  13. if that's matter, frame generation on, fps limited by nvinspector on 120. g-sync. hdr on. monitor vertical frequency 144.
  14. hi guys, i notice that more than once, so, let's talk about it:)
  15. i start to edit the post, and had message post not found, then click on general replay and my text was copypasted, so i thought it's will edit:) so double post:)
  16. thank you, now no confusion with fus norm bypass:) about horizon, i guess it's too obviously, i don't think is need to be pictured or vidioed:) the horizon in the gauge always horizon and not earth horizon, but aircraft horizon, just make banking and you will see what i'm talking about, banking little triangle moving, but horizon line not turn at all, only go up and down... inverted on of course if it wasn't, the bank triangle would be stuck somewhere. gyro ball's elements works all as expected, but not the horizon line. heavy contrast with such a good model, you can open all youtube videos with this model, and you will see what i'm talking about... about ctd, i think there something like memory leak, because it's not 100% reproducing, some time i can fly very long, but usually this model, and only this one give that thing, i fly usually all flyingiron fighters and milviz texan these days. nothing like that. different maps, different weather. i don't really think is conflict, because it's not constant reproduceable, but very often. when i take this beauty as all other i take all of them high and fly there some pretty long time then dive for some normal mode flight for those types of aircraft:) usually. so for me 30 minutes it's not "even" it's just one click:) again, mostly:) just look at horizon and artificial one when banking 26:35 start banking, but horizon in the gauge still show you aren't banking.
  17. hi, thank you for this piece of art. everything looking cool inside, i don't look outside too much so can't judge really. but we have one elephant in the room. artificial horizon totally broken, and i didn't found any single post about that, like only i see that. about ctd i really forgot about that in msfs long time ago, now when i take t-33 after some flight about 30minute-hour, probably more some time. it's gonna be crash to desktop. all time i take 100 fuel, without instructor, change pilot to 140. 120+~20 suit. so use some not standard scheme. i don't use any mods so far, that can change something, except simfx, probably some conflict i don't know, and honestly don't want to know. some time i can fly pretty long refill from tip tanks thrice some time four times. but some time it's crash even before i use some more than half of fus. and i have one question. what the difference between norm and fus on fuselage tank switcher, both works same way. what the case of bypass it's use when engine fire, for stop fuel flowing or something? thank you.
  18. hi, just bought that bird for msfs, but in manager can not found this for install thank you p.s. ninja appear right now:)
  19. hi, just couple a hours ago sent support e-mail about that:) take me on board with hope we all out this one soon
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