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Everything posted by LowBee

  1. I have just tested the update. I loaded the plane and a flight. At the gate I switched from cockpit to outside view and immediatly the a/c froze, not the sim though. So this product is still unflyable for me.
  2. Same here. Editing the route results in a freeze although the a/c continues to fly (uncontrolled). The displayed attitude is different from the real one. I had this also with v.1.0. What did I do? I added waypoints for the STAR assigned by ATC manually because I could NOT select it from the database as I could not scroll further down to the end of the list. FD button is the only button which can switched on and off on the MCP. BTW, some other issues, at least on my system (2020 + updated): The taxi speed on idle (!) is way too high for a fully loaded A359, you have to break hard to come to a stop. Becoming airborne the aircraft always veers slightly to the right and has a tendency to become unstable when correcting. So far I was able to only complete 1 flight, too bad!
  3. Hi, I have used the autoland mode since day 1 but all of a sudden I cannot activate it anymore. The ILS is captured and the a/c is fully configured for the approach but whenever I click on Autoland the button remains dark. I have reinstalled but no change. Any idea? Best regards
  4. Marketplace? Oh, I forgot about that. I will have him check it, thanks.
  5. Hi, a friend of mine constantly gets a CTD upon loading the A310. I suggested to check the content manager which he did. By comparing it turned out that I have two entries concerning A310 while he has only one. Could the missing entry "Airbus A310-300 Enhanced" (v1.1.7) possibly be the reason for his CTDs? Apparently the enhanced version is not available in his content manager so where could it be downloaded? Kind regards
  6. I thought so until I found additional liveries in the download section. I had no clue they are not to be used with the manager and I guess I am not the only one.
  7. Gosh, I made the same mistake and lost 2 hours trying to install an XP livery into MSFS until I found this post. I would really appreciate you guys update your download section to make clear which section belongs to which sim.
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