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Dave Mass

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  1. Panel states in attachment. IGN/START APU BLEED ON (and APU ON) ENG MASTER 2 ON PACKS OFF FUEL TK PUMPS ALL ON BATT ON APU GEN ON Still won't get past N2 29.8% as if no fuel is being injected.
  2. Same for SVMI. Installed Navigraph latest cycle for MSFS2024 but the FMS doesn't show updated info but old NavData (at SVMI), any ideas why this is happening?
  3. Hi, I made sure there are no other conflicting bindings (such as the Cockpit Free Look) assigned to the Right Click button in the mouse. However, no amount of pulling/pushing (I see the action is taking place) will switch it from RWY TRK to HDG. Any help? Thanks
  4. As per the title, I have noticed in my last two journeys with the A310 that as soon as lift-off is achieved it banks to the left. I thought it could be due to conflict with the Thrustmaster pedals but doesn’t seem to be so. Also the joystick is properly calibrated to the center. any ideas?
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