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Posts posted by Fab10

  1. FPS Locked at 30 on VSYNC without fluctuations on a RTX3080 and Ryzen 9.

    The oscillations still occur, indeed it recurred again today at LFML RW31R, if the AP manages the initial descent but the moment the AP is switched off the aircraft ceases the pitch oscillation.

    Yes, the speed is very slightly higher than Vref as often approaches are flown at 160 kts or thereabouts depending on traffic to then slow at 4 nm or so.

    Please stop calling out the piloting abilities of your loyal customers and begin reading and, more importantly, processing what is written in their communications, as they have taken the time to communicate the issue to you in the hope that INI Builds will read, understand and appreciate instead of seemingly always taking a defensive line.

    Beginners are most unlikely to purchase such an in-depth old school airliner whereas a knowledgeable connoisseur will.

  2. 30 minutes ago, richboy2307 said:

    The movement is modelled based on observations and data from movements in full-motion simulators and real world counter part of this aircraft. If you find this to be an issue you may click th

    Yes, it is an issue, and cannot reflect real world yoke movements. The yoke obscures the instruments, breaks immersion, and if the yoke is hidden then disconnecting the AP can be frustrating as one needs to restore the yoke to switch off the AP DIS sound.

    To illustrate how spurious the yoke movements can be, please check my approach in this video (from 01:24):


  3. For what it's worth, I uploaded a short video of this phenomenon (below).

    Also, please could INI Builds adjust the WXR 1/off/2 switch whose operation is reversed, and rejig the yoke that seems to move excessively and disproportionately to the actual bank angle of the aircraft (as it gets in the way of instruments and dampens immersion).

    The V1.1.2 update has been great otherwise (though I've yet to test RNAV), and I'm also grateful for the terrain radar and t/o trim indication on the EFB takeoff perf page.


  4. Thank you for the latest update, I'm pleased that the IB A300 is edging ever closer to perfection.

    I have complete two ILS approaches in it and both times the aircraft began an ever increasing longitudinal phugoid oscillation with the AP engaged.

    I was not yet at Vapp but I was nearly fully configured with one stage of flap to extend.

    Both times this occurred early in the approach with several miles still to run; my preference is to hand fly without AT which also helped to dampen and remove the oscillation.

    I thought to report this in case others have noted the same.


  5. I am so pleased to hear this, but I haven't the opportunity at the moment to check.

    They mention a rebuild of SID/STAR/HOLD entry, so perhaps this encompasses the DME/ARC.

    Whichever it is, I am greatly relieved, and my faith and confidence in INIBuilds entirely restored.


  6. On 4/25/2024 at 3:01 PM, richboy2307 said:

    Hi @Fab10, thanks for your report. 

    Can you confirm are you using Navigraph or default navdata?

    Seems like the issue is that they are not assigned to a specific runway so do not load as intended. We'll look into this, thanks!

    Sorry for the late reply; yes, Navigraph navdata is in use. 

    • Like 1
  7. I’m trying to complete my first P&W livery, and whilst the livery itself is OK, the EPR gauges seem not to work. 
    I’ve copied the file structure of a few other P&W liveries, but still I can’t get the EPR gauges to work.

    Could someone please point me in the right direction?


  8. Approaching Busan Gimhae RKPK;

    The MCDU allows users to select the VORA18 and RNAVB18 but without SIDs (NONE).

    Also, if loaded without SIDs, then no waypoints are added to the MCDU or route shown on the ND.

    The images show what I am trying to put across (NB. the MCDU shows INSERT but they have been inserted).


    Screenshot 2024-04-14 104559.png

    Screenshot 2024-04-14 104526.png

  9. On 4/4/2024 at 4:31 PM, richboy2307 said:

    Thanks for your posts guys. It has been logged. 👍

    DME/ARCs are still broken in V1.1.1.

    This DME deficiency needs to be addressed, as well as the lack of T/O TRIM setting.

    Thank-you for your prompt attention to this.

    I feel like going back to my XP version, that was a hole in one.

    Screenshot 2024-04-14 102421.png

  10. 1 hour ago, Crabby said:

    Did you guys activate the curved segments option in the EFB?  Not realistic, but it is there. 

    Of course, but this has no bearing on the actual lateral path flown or how it is displayed on the ND (for the DME ARC approaches I have flown).

    • Like 1
  11. Yes, I noticed that too landing at LGIR, it straightened the ARC.
    And still no take-off trim setting…

    Not quite the INI Builds of old then. 

  12. Hi,

    I’ve not tried it with the latest build, maybe there were improvements in that area?

    I was well below weight limits (the flight was a short hop from MMCE).

    I will give it another go, and I really appreciate that a few have provided feedback on this by trying the route.



  13. I will try at 180kts and I saw the overshoots but still it turned out of sync with the procedure.

    That said, we should be cleaned up and going higher & faster.

    I'll give it a go though.

  14. That’s interesting.

    I also used FLC and kept it slow but the arc was nowhere near the 10DME point, and it didn’t follow the correct lateral path.

    I will try again.

  15. I flew a route containing two DME ARCs, one each in the SID & STAR, but the A300 had tremendous issues at both ends.

    it is as if it loses track of the sequencing. I let it meander through both procedures to see how it would pan out and yet I had to intervene on both.

    Here’s the route:

    We are several iterations into the build, yet reading through the forum posts it is apparent that there are still serious flaws in this payware aircraft.


    • Like 1
  16. The MU-2 is a nice looking aeroplane, and one I enjoyed in FSX/P3D and XP.

    Compared with the others, the MSFS INIBuilds MU-2 is not so good.

    Rotation comes too late and it’s hard to unstick.

    Like the notorious real world aircraft, the IB MU-2 handling is full of horrific vices but seemingly worse than any other simulated MU-2.

    The AP is hard to interact with; reading labels is impossible, and the master on/off impossible to click from the P1 view. Please duplicate some click-spots elsewhere on the panel.

    The cockpit textures are very poor.

    There is no IB forum section for this aircraft but nevertheless I hope IB will update it.

    Where to start? I’ll start by not starting it until it’s fixed…

  17. Hi,

    The A300 is fast approaching perfection, but there are still issues.

    Profile VNAV seems to not manage descent altitude constraints (speeds seem OK).

    The PAUL2K into MMUN has one between, one at or above, and two at  constraints, and whilst according to the “banana” it would have made the 3000’ constraint before the RNAV (which it flew wonderfully), it was over ten thousand feet too high for the first few even though the descent profile said it was spot on profile.

    To manually catch up with constraints, I used V/S mode plus spoilers, but then V/S mode switches itself off periodically.

    The PERF takeoff trim is always zero, and clicking trim automatically sets this to zero.

    As always, thanks.



    • Like 2
  18. Am I correct in thinking that the INI Builds A300 uses stock MSFS navdata as there isn't a dedicated Navigraph component for it?

    Could someone else please confirm whether they can see the right runway data and SID/STAR dataset for MDPP?

    That way i'll know to stand down whilst IB fix things, thanks.

  19. Hi,

    The newly implemented MDPP airport (part of the MSFS Caribbean World Update) doesn't display properly in the A300-600R MCDU.

    Instead of listing SIDs for RW08/26, it shows RW01/19 instead.

    I've not tried MDPP in the A310 but MDPP in the PMDG B737-900ER is fine.


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