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  1. I started using a350 for 2024 today, just when simupdate1 was released.. I had 10 CTD's... When reading linking navigraph, when moving on the cockpit, when when using dron camera at the gate, when loading flight, and so on... I havent been able even to see the passenger cabin yet. Just CTD's... Please, any help? Others having same problem?
  2. The funtions are all mapped, but nothing happens on the pedestal. Reset buttom doesnt work either when pressing it from the TCA.
  3. Is this normal? Using msfs2020, 2024 havent try yet, because I dont have simupdate 1 beta installed.
  4. When flying an ILS Z on RWY 25 SCCI there is a circle drawn, that never seen before when flying it with Fenix320. Then, after capturing LOC and GLIDESLOPE the plane reamained at 3000 feet and didnt start the descent. Yes, LS on CAPT and FO were ON as APP too.
  5. Here you can find the solution for the TCA calibration on the inibuilds a350! https://youtu.be/wUu0_DQDF88
  6. Please. Makes a lot of difference. In the EFB one could select if I want the cabin or not. Please!
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  7. Same problem here.
  8. it worked perfectly! Thanks, really! Much appreaciated!
  9. Absolutely worked!! Thanks for this solution, but in my case i used 10% dead zone. Finally is working! Thanks!!!!!
  10. Can confirm too. ILS on SCEL 17R, it doesnt land centered. In this case, a few meters to the left.. but on the runway. I have done multiple ILS on that runway with other aircraft and no problem. Besides, that, the airplane is looking good!
  11. Thanks. Could find any of these before posting. In case you want me to test new update, please let me know. I have world update 12 installed, asobo installed at the moment, but i can uninstall it anytime you want. I use terrain LOD on 400, but can change it as needed. I have an rtx 3080 ti 16 gb. (mobile) using 4K.
  12. Hi, there is a problem with NZQN. I use World Update New Zealand with this scenery, and when approaching runway 23, there is a huge castle mountain like with spikes near the runway, and when landing, there is a huge bumb on around 1/3 position and another one close to the end.. The castle mountain like bug dissapears when getting closer to the airport (about 3nm). I removed the scenery and try back asobo escenery, and all problems are gone. I dont use Orbx Mesh, the problem was during simupdate 11 and now with simupdate 12 too. The version used is the latest. (1.0.1)
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