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Posts posted by trisho0

  1. Komet, in your FSDT GSX Pro shows only KSFO enabled? It looks like all MSFS airport were disabled but KSFO. It doesn't make sense neither.

    I thought, all airports default is shown in ENABLED page side and on the DISABLED page side is shown only our payware airports. Then to Apply and Exclude 3rdparty.

    This is the procedure to exclude jetways in order do not get duplicated jetways. This is what I had since the beginning of MSFS2020 with FSDT GSX Pro without jetways issues until after installed IniBuilds KSFO. Clearly the IniBuilds needs attention.



  2. 31 minutes ago, Frafty said:

    My post an hour ago:

    "FYI - after just watching a little bit of Chewwy's stream video on youtube about this scenery, he specifcally calls out that we need to ENABLE the jetways for GSX. I'm sure you all did what I did (which is normal for any other payware) and that's to DISABLE the jetways. gonna try that and report back"

    My best understanding is we must disable jetways via FSDT GSX Pro for any installed scenery which have jetways in airport. This process is via FSDT Installer. But I reverted now and left enabled the jetways and it worked. I am puzzled now. I have all the other airports disabled the jetways and the only airport with enabled jetways is KSFO; it doesn't make sense.


  3. I just found the Asobo KJFK challenge wasn't installed neither so, I did another test with IniBuilds KJFK and I don't understand how come the bumpy runways became fixed. For how long? You never know. So, in my system the Asobo KJFK and KJFK challenge are not installed. I am not convinced really the KJFK in question became fixed. I will run more tests with.


  4. 8 hours ago, LukeFF said:

    Finally got my copy of MSFS up and running again, with the iniBuilds airport in place, but I am not touching anything with the Asobo one for now. I did a check and didn't notice any issue with having both airports installed at the same time, so there is at least that - the iniBuilds one is fully rendered as expected.

    Cool! you sorted out. I will install Asobo KJFK back to see if I have runways bumpy issues. IniBuilds recommends deleting the Asobo KJFK. That's weird but testing later.


  5. MSFS will update the Asobo KJFK airport. If it was deleted via Profile, Content, Manager then it still not installed anyway but updated. Check from Profile, Content, Manager, Not Installed: to see if Asobo KJFK is available to install. Otherwise, you need to go back to Profile, Content, Manager, Installed: to find Asobo KJFK and delete it.

    Be warned that IniBuilds KJFK has bumpy issues on runways not resolved yet since the released time.



  6. 2 hours ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    Just had a horrendous landing in a fully loaded A300, courtesy of one of these bumps. The bird did a massive bounce, then stalled shortly after. I had PG on, but IIRC I got the MSFS “not enough bandwidth for PG” message.

    That's only the beginning of issues with KJFK. The airport needs maintenance so don't land in there (lol). Try Helicopter.


  7. 5 hours ago, Fiorentoni said:

    I'm having the same problem on the intersection 04L/31L. PG is off. With PG on it's gone, but what is also gone is my framerate. I really think a big developer like iniBuilds should be able to fix this in 6 months. On one of their biggest / best selling sceneries. A bit disappointed here.

    The only solution so far is to purchase the KJFK airport to another Developer.


  8. Oh!, C'mon ..... still not resolved that issue yet? I am not flying with KJFK since the beginning of the installation giving some time to the Developer to make a fix or updates.

    We have to wait a very long more time now ..... that's ridiculous!



  9. From Options Graphics, look at the line of GLOBAL RENDERING QUALITY and try testing with to find the highest FPS. Then you can change the other Graphics lines like Texture Resolution to HIGH; Texture SuperSampling to 4x4.

    This is only as a try to start looking for FPS in question.


  10. On 11/6/2023 at 8:50 AM, Vince6381 said:

    I don't use photogrammetry

    I tried Photogrammetry set to OFF and the bumpy runways are worse. The KJFK airport artwork needs a full REDO.


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  11. Manu, how do you see that view where the crossed runways are looking weird? I don't think I do have that kind of problem, but I load a small plane on runway 4R I have bumpy runway.


  12. Manu, what settings do you have with the ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY from MSFS General Options-Data page? Or do you have the ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY OFF?

    I don't have the Asobo KJFK default installed. Anyway, I have the same issue as yours.


  13. I tried to find the bumpy runway seen on runway 4R only. As soon as I see the runway 4R issue is resolved then I will test the other runways.

    So, I set BING DATA ON and PHOTOGRAMMETRY ON, the runway 4R softened but not resolved, still bumpy and differently. As per screenshots I have one picture with PHOTOGRAMMETRY ON and the other picture with PHOTOGRAMMETRY OFF. I think trying to fix from Developer it should be done with the ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY OFF from General Options-Data settings. Once the issue is resolved then to reset the ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY to Default or the best that suit our needs.


    KJFK-Bumpy rwy 4R_photogrammetry ON.jpg

    KJFK-Bumpy rwy 4R_photogrammetry OFF.jpg

  14. 2 hours ago, Manuel69 said:

    Are you tried with Photogrametrie  OFF ?

    When you have Photogrametrie set ON, do you have bumps issues as posted on this thread topic? If so, where is that Photogrametrie settings to change to Off?


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