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Everything posted by Ruffen

  1. When starting and stopping the engines, the propeller begin/stop spinning almost instantly, but YouTube videos will show them having much more inertia.
  2. First of all let me repeat that I think this addon is awesome! IniBuilds have done a great job on it! I've found what I believe are two bugs. First, when the reversers are engaged but not at max reverse, the visual reversers on the engines engage partially (proportionally to the reverse thrust applied). I believe this is a bug and that the engines should be in full reverser configuration whenever any amount of reverse is engaged, so that you can move the lever to idle thrust without any change of the reversers on the engine. Only when reverser is fully disengaged, should the engines then go from full open reverser buckets to closed again. What limits the reverse thrust when the lever isn't fully aft, is that the engines are running at lower rpm and not partial reverser deployment, if that makes sense. Also, the real aircraft had its wing landing lights between the outboard engines, ie. between engines 1 and 2, and between engines 5 and 6, and not outboard of all engines, as the FS model has. EDIT - I seem to have missed the post that said that the position of the outboard landing lights was changed during the lifetime of the aircraft!
  3. Now that you have created textures, annunciation panels, EFB, 3D payload models, wings, engine models landing gear etc., I would think that creating an An-124 Ruslan would be less work than it would have been if it had to be made from scratch - as much of the assets, models and programming of systems would be identical. A Ruslan model with the same fidelity as the Mriya would be something I'd be happy to purchase as a payware (also if the money went to iniBuilds and not funding a rebuild of the real Mriya). And I think we might be quite a few who would love a Ruslan model, as it is obviously more widely used, with more liveries and operating in and out of more airports in real life. I've even seen two Ruslans in real life myself at my local airport. I know that there are probably no current plans for creating a Ruslan model, but please consider it, as I think it would be a good airplane requiring less development effort than others since the 124 and the 225 are so similar.
  4. I've found (on both the An-225 and the A310) that using simrate by pressing R and then the plus and minus key for the speed doesn't work. But I assigned keys to directly increase and decrease sim rate (ie. ctrl-+ to increase it without having to press R first) and that works. 🙂
  5. I love the An-225! But the trim is extremely sensitive which makes it very difficult to trim it out. I don't know how the real plane is but the plane would be much easier to fly (and trim for takeoff) if the trim was much slower or less powerful.
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