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village1111 last won the day on June 13 2024

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  1. Please fix this issue.
  2. I load the flight plan, then I requested refueling, the truck comes. Then I click in the EFB GSX menu on the simbrief value, the truck drives away and nothing happens.
  3. It doesn't work with the simbrief value, the truck drives away and nothing happens.
  4. works only with GSX
  5. Yes, with GSX VDGS.
  6. In the MSFS 2024 Premium Version of EGLL only GSX works. Nool isn't supported anymore. https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/26077-how-to-get-vdgs-to-work-in-msfs-2024/#findComment-62159
  7. It isn´t a general Problem. Check your library and your content.xml that all other OMDB sceneries are disabled. In my case these are 3 other OMDB aiports (Gaya, MSFS2020 Premium Version, MSFS2020 Deluxe Version)!!!
  8. The lights was fixed with 1.0.1, but the wrong sign is there yet.
  9. is not "D", correct is "E8" there also wrong lights on the runway
  10. in the ini Manager 🙂
  11. If I click at "HD Textures", in the .json-file there is use the SD Textures. So if you want to use th HD textures, ju must select the SD Textures.
  12. I don´t have this problem after WU17
  13. I landed with the Fenix A320 at 07R.
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