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  1. same here only this time after a 6 hour flight some buttons worked landed than couldnt shutdown msfs 2024 version
  2. usually what i do after any update i restart my pc
  3. pete_auau

    enroute map

    Wondering if its me, the enroute map shows ok when i select it but disappears after awhile. to get it back have to switch back and forth until it shows again than it disappears again
  4. ok tried again after the update this time it sort of works it doesnt jump like last time but when i move the throttle to flx i have to make sure it on the mark of the white line otherwise i have it sorted
  5. Hi all must be missing a step some where when i do it. and when back into the sim when i push the throttle fwd it jumps to the clb detent, If i push it fwd again it jumps to the flxt etc and the same on the way back. The issue is that I'am unable to taxi since the throttle jumps to the clb when i push the throttle a tad fwd to taxi. I dont have any issues with calibrating the fenix and fsl Aircraft which have a simliar version of doing it
  6. pete_auau


    have you looked at other aircraft releases at their forums on initial release you will find the same thing, been 4 days what do you expect it to have no issues at all
  7. maybe it due to that navirgraph were updating their servers etc yesterday thurs and you couldn't import any flight plan into any aircraft
  8. maybe it due that navigraph were updating their servers etc yesterday
  9. ok no worries hopefully some one else can chime in, supposed you have tried your user name and or alias as well
  10. Havnt got the a32 at all but it should be same to the a300, in the a300 you have to put your id in eg 3456 not your user name
  11. yep thx for the info
  12. their is a option to automatically update all your products installed when you open up the manager but i have it turned off since i rather know what iam installing. its in the option menu
  13. As topic has suggested havn't flown this aircraft for a long time, was wondering how do i get the Navigraph enroute flight plan shown on the efb.
  14. pete_auau

    GSX Profile?

  15. your installed the latest version of fsuipc since the previous version there were issues being the .10 version
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