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Everything posted by BenjiBoy

  1. Hey guys, thanks for your work, we all appreciate it, but it's not clear for us (at least some of us) how much it is complicated to fix a function that worked once, but not work anymore. It could be possible that you have other things to do with the incoming of MSFS2024, and - for me - it would be appreciated that as such basic feature could have, after more than a month, at least a date of fix, or a schedule, or a new about it to say that it is delayed for other reason. All things considered we speak about a fly sim of course, so there is no crucial issue but, it could be better if communication is fluent 🙂 Thanks, Bye
  2. Well, I wanted to edit my post but can't ;I made some arrangements in the MSFS menu and ... I have to say that's way better than yesterday so ... I have to test it better, maybe ...
  3. Hi, for me the engines sounds are almost inexistent on ground. The famous engine start sound during push back is almost impossible to hear ; at the same time, I can hear a lot of environmental sounds like vibrations, plastic chocks (very realistic but terribly balanced, far far too loud), sounds of a moving plane on the ground. Then on a take off, you push the throttles TOGA then your sound environment pass to 5% of engine sound presence to 98%. Your brain understand that the engine gets louder when you take off, but that loud making you tell "something is wrong". I'm on headphone (DT770 pro) on a Presonus external sound card, most of the time the balance is OK. The thing is, in the real life, I guess you could read level of decibel that justify this balance but the frequencies range of human hears are far larger than in simulation audio, and IRL you can actually "feel" sounds with your body as well. But in your chair with headphone, you must arrange level to be manageable to get all the sounds the way it's feel more realistic. I really hope there will be some modifications because you guys made a great jobs in this model, really (as you always do) ! Thanks
  4. Hi Alexair, indeed I use the max auto break, I though it was the good setting for a short (but not so short) landing. I'll try a flight today with min or med breaking setting and let you know ! thanks, bye
  5. Hi, I have a recurrent problem : in a autoland procedure, after touch down then retor push + autobrake, the plane brake until taxi speed, then I have an alarm "brake high temp" on ECAM, temperature reached about 500 deg, and continue to increase. I activate the fan, and don't touch the brake again to permit a cool down, but the temperature continue to increase until 700°C (!). I though of a brake still pushed but, even if I stop the taxi, temp continue to increase. The only way to get it down is to shut off both engine. Am I missing something ?
  6. Yeah it's working, not perfectly but it does. Furthermore, most of the aircrafts (3rd party of not) react badly on sim rate change !
  7. Well, being particularly vigilant about the knob result in a no-surprise behaviour, on this flight at least : I'll continue to double check this every time !
  8. Thanks for all your responses, I'm going to try that right now 😉 Could it be true if this was a very short turn, like I scrolled 2 notches by mistake then turn back on NAV ?
  9. Hello, I've tried the A300 freighter from something like 10-12 flights now (and I have to say that is a really impressive works guys, good job). But two times, there was a behavior that I didn't understand : somehow, IRS never aligned (ATT in red on the PFD screen) however I press "align IRS" on the FMC. Then I can't do a "next page" on the INIT menu, I have a "not allowed" response. However I was on this very page just before in order to enter block fuel ,etc.. And after starting both engines, I wanted to start the 2 Pitch trim levers to be able to set the TO trim wheel, but they come down (refuse to be on). A little detail that could be important : The ADI cage can't be release : pull the lever do nothing (both engines on). I think there is something at the start of this strange cascade of event but I can't figure if it's me, or if it's a random bug. I'm always following the very same procedure, so I'm leaning for a bug, but I'm not a perfect simmer, after all, it could be me. Anyway, is some people have the same things happened ?
  10. Hey, for my part, I can clearly see the approximations of the autopilot increasing with the rate, but until x8 it's totally useable ; from x16 there is so much CPU used that the all fly model sim to collapse, after something like 10 sec. But x8 is pretty good.
  11. Hello, came back and this time, the sim update number 12 was effectively released :-). Well, there were a big update but I didn't see anything on my A310 package, thought it was somewhere in the big MSFS update. Anyway, I tried fly the A310 and, radio issue worked (but sometimes it works), but pressurisation still broken. Any news on your side ?
  12. Oh. On a second thought, that perfectly makes sense ... Well, waiting until march, so !
  13. Hello, I waited, just in case because, I thought that "SU12" would mean "sunday 12th febuary". But maybe I was wrong ? I also could miss an announcement, I confess I don't have search a lot more than MSFS and inibuild front page ... So, what's up ?
  14. Hi, could you more specific ? Just to know if I just leave this aircraft for the moment to playing something else, or I can use it with these bugs until the fix (if it's soon ^^). thanks
  15. Hey, so, what's up ? Did you fixe the cabin pressure bug ? Or fixe the ATC bug ?
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