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Crabby last won the day on April 3 2024

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  1. However I believe that hydraulic pumps are like Meatloaf. Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
  2. confirmed.
  3. Time and money. How much would you be willing to spend on this addition to a freeware aircraft? If nothing, then it is not that important for realism, is it?
  4. Published information shows 350-400 million dollars. My guess is that the INI version will be somewhat less than that.
  5. Never was an "issue".
  6. Not many controllers have an actual reverse throttle axis. If you have one of the majority controllers without, doing this will add a fake amount of axis as a reverse and cause many to go in and out of reverse at the most inopportune moments imaginable.
  7. Crabby

    weather radar

    The shortcomings of the sim (ASOBO/Microsoft issue) related to the data that is available to create a weather radar are well known. Just be aware that those that talk about how this radar or that radar works or should work, do not know what a weather radar is, how it works and what it should display at the various tilts/gains/settings. They see green, red and yellow blobs on a screen and think "wow this works". They are wrong.
  8. Since others have seen this, care to let us know what the culprit was?
  9. There has got to be a local issue/conflict here. I start cold and dark and never have seen this on any version. I would start with control bindings even/especially if you think there is no issue there. Next, empty your community folder. Completely empty it and only use the house livery. You can empty the folder by simply copying and pasting the contents to another location, however if you want to take control and master you community folder and addons, use MSFSAddons Linker from flightsim.to. This way you can quickly add things back in however I would recommend you keep your sim as debloated as possible. There are many advantages to this. I only start the sim with the two airports I am using (if addons), the plane and livery I will use. That's it. (Navigraph is always loaded).
  10. Since no new update has been published, everyone is awaiting a new update. The moment that new update is published; everyone will be awaiting yet another new update. Since that is reality, I am not sure of the purpose of these types of posts.
  11. Crabby


    It would have taken less time to publish the list than make that recommendation.
  12. Crabby


    Impossible to tell because I don't know when I will run out of buttons or voice. Everything for the FCU, FMC, Light switches, Gear, Fuel control, Fuel Levers, Master Eng MODE. I would suggest that since INI has them in some format, like an excel, just publish all of them.
  13. Crabby


    Can INI provide a list of LVARS to be used for programming AAO?
  14. What runway? What was the weather (e.g. rain)? What was the wind? What flap setting did you use? Did you try packs off? What was the outside temperature? Barometer? Just because the max certified TOW is X does not mean you can just load it up that way. The EFB calculates a "SAFE" take off profile not just spit out Vspeeds for the sake of it.
  15. Another reason I use AAO.
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