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Everything posted by chinjh

  1. I noticed some issues with approach pitch. 188t gross weight. Flap 3 with 5knot tailwind -700fpm ils approach but the pitch is around 2.5degree. Flaring the plane i only need to pitch it to 3degree and it was a greaser. Meanwhile i am seeing on youtube it seems the a350 actually needs more flaring sometimes 6-7 degrees on config 3. But on ini doing that the plane will climb or either float.
  2. This bug involving WF VHHH has been there since the days of the A300 release. Neither Asobo, ini nor the scenery maker wants to fix them each pointing fingers at each other. Only workaround is to use navigraph but that also comes with occasional missing waypoints(that usually gets addressed by navigraph quickly) but at least better than the default that has you plotting waypoints into the infinite side of the earth and costing half of your frame rates. VHHH Hong Kong SIDs/Stars Failures
  3. Try looking at the ecam section and confirm that the clr button is not illuminated. Its the one i circled here. I noticed when double click the side stick red button too quickly would also cause the autopilot disconnect ecam warning that wont go off until it is cleared via inputting "clr" button.
  4. This is somewhat fixed for anyone testing out MSFS SU1 Beta trial.
  5. Its under MS/Asobo's turf now. Whatever fix has to be up to them to decide whether to push the update or not. This has been a major issue with the default aircrafts since MSFS 2020 which i recall simple patches can take months with the A310. Luckily the A350 and A300 are not in that kind of state.
  6. Looks like they're saying its an MS/Asobo issue.
  7. This is not really an issue with third party devs but more towards MS/Asobo's policy on encryption and file structure that prevents proper paintkit sharing. Request for the Unencryption and Full Downloadability of Default Aircraft in MSFS 2024 Topic discussion has been posted on asobo forum weeks ago. I suggest all users to vote on that topic to tell them that we're not happy with the current state of things.
  8. This is logged by Asobo. But not sure if INI or Asobo has a fix and whether it will be incorporated in the upcoming sim update on 12 december.
  9. Just noticed the flap 1+f position are in the wrong position with the flap trailing not sufficiently extending. Also missing flap sound when extending and retracting. This problem is currently extended to all the A330 family including the beluga XL. Also flap transition speeds seems to be slow. From the video above going from flap Config 1+f to 2 only takes 3 seconds but in the sim it took 8 seconds. It seems to be the same when going from Config 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 they mostly take between 3 to 4 seconds each flap detent. Hope this is logged for some sort of fix. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 2024.12.02 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 2024.12.02 -
  10. I just noticed repeatedly since 2 days ago i cant end my flight or go into the main menu as it will result in MSFS being in jammed state or unresponsive with the only workaround is to force terminate the app. Relaunching the sim and selecting any of the streamed liveries almost highly guarantee a crashed sim desktop even on configure page. Meanwhile those that are downloaded from flightsim.appears to be working. For now i have find a little workaround but its kind of a nuisance to keep doing this now. Steps 1) identify which livery has been causing crashing Example A330-300GE Malaysia repaint always caused crash when selected. 2) Launch MSFS 2024 on the main menu select option>configure>Select A330-200. 3) Ensure A330-200 RR default Airbus livery is selected and make sure it loads the aircraft completely 4) Then select variants and select other variants like the VIP streamed liveries and select any of it and wait for the plane to load. 5) Now go back to variant that you want and res-elect the problematic livery that has been causing crashes. It should technically load without causing a crash to desktop scenario 6) if it loads now you can load up free flight. Note if end flight causes the sim to jammed its quite likely reselecting the very same livery would cause guaranteed CTD and you would have to repeat the steps above. What i am suspecting end flight causes the streamed downloaded package files associated with that livery to become corrupted in someway does not help when you prompt task manager to force terminate MSFS2024. Doing the supposed workaround steps above seems to tell MSFS 2024 to redownload the associated package files for the broken livery but it would only work if another livery or variant gets correctly loaded first.
  11. V1 callout is equipped on most A330 out there.
  12. Noticed when idle reverse thrust is selected that the engine cowling doors dont fully open. Technically the reverse doors should be fully open no matter what reverse thrust detent is selected. Hopefully a simple fix can be attempted.
  13. Is a working build already submitted to Asobo or its still being worked on? Recall Asobo will be rolling out a small update next week.
  14. point.0 = 1, 46.700022, 0, -15.574176, 2000, 0, 1.68, 65, 0.96, 1.151, 0.86, 22, 22, 0, 0, 0, 2
  15. 3 months after it has yet to be addressed with the latest patch. Had to dig back up this thread to reinput the contact points.
  16. With SU15 out, is there any updates on the way and is this also being pushed for that build?
  17. The flap positions are all wrong. From config 1+f, 2 down to 3. It seems Fenix is still the go to a320 for now. Even FBW is limited by the asobo model.
  18. Disarm function only works when recognition light is switched off. I think the devs need to allow the the disarm door button to work once parking brake is set instead. Cause i have some sceneries where the moment u dock in the jetways starts connecting automatically without even requesting.
  19. Not sure for the A300 but for the A320 and up to the A380. Once you retracted the landing gear on take off the logo lights will be turned off automatically. On descent even turning it on by the switches the tail logo lights would only be turned on if you selected flaps config 2 onwards even config 1 wont trigger it.
  20. I just tried this out Hong Kong (Chek Lap Kok) Intl. Airport (VHHH) NavData for Three-runway System It sort of fix most of the issues with missing runways of 07L and 25R and waypoints. But note some of the Loc pointers are still heavily missplaced and you would have to manually plot them or delete them to avoid jamming the fmc. I noticed my FMC jammed cause it was drawing up a lot of incoherent lnav directions whenever selecting any arrivals of 07R and 25L.
  21. VHHH still a no go. Selecting STAR arrivals will jam the FMC. Odd thing only 07R, 25L are available.
  22. I did 2 long sectors and 1 very short 1 so far no issues apart from the annoying very minor bouncing compression on the nose gear when decelerating from 3knots to 0 knots with brake pedal applied. I am getting a bit frustrated cause this was logged for 3 months without any patch issued to address it and i ended up having to eyeball a self DIY fix on the contact points.
  23. Some further checks with adjusting the nose gear contact points. 1) Abrupt deceleration causes wonky bouncing. 2)low speed around 3knots to 0 knots causes the same wonky bounce. Currently adjusted the points to minimize the disturbances but it is still around Seems to be the only go to while we wait for the devs to push a proper update.
  24. Looks okay now. Still not nose down enough but its a compromise.
  25. Okay looks like i've found a little niche area without compromising too much. Also just did 2 circuits does not seem to have any CTD causing stuff. What to do Locate the flight_model.cfg file at Community\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\SimObjects\Airplanes Inside this directory there are 4 variants of the A300-600 each needing some changes to their respective cfg. Open flight_model.cfg as notepad for each aircraft Ammend the line under [CONTACT POINTS] Replace the following below. point.0 = 1, 46.700022, 0, -15.574176, 2000, 0, 1.68, 65, 1.0, 1.15, 0.85, 22, 22, 0, 0, 0, 2 Save what you have edited. Note it may still look off visually but at least the nosegear does not seem to sink so far into the ground now.
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