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Koawood last won the day on October 7 2022

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  1. Tried to update EGLL yesterday, EGLL updates but wont allow to choose SD or HD textures. they are both Blued out. Ive uninstalled EGLL and reinstalled and does not work. Even tried running ini app as Admin rights and still doesnt work. tried this morning still does not work.
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  2. somethig is up with EGLL ini app. ive just uninstalled it 5x via the ini app and reinstalled. its not giving me the texture option HD SD choice. both are blued out and i looked in folder and HD has been selected automatically, there is not SD option
  3. bought bmw ksan but got the rwy9 bug. for last 7 days all aircraft Ai and myself land on rwy9 . fr24 data showing loc27 for landing . bmw put an update out stating they fixed the loc27 non landing bug for ai and user. my manifest shows version 1.1.2...which is the version bmw says is the update, are u sure they gave u the right copy on inimanager? why is this still happening ??
  4. ya weird i bought it friday. it had trouble installing. after few time it finally installed but and is running good but shows on inimanager not installed
  5. curious on the state of completion for the fps related issue u guys found? thnx
  6. mine shows disabled in folder. i chose to not have animated jetblue hangar so its off in the manager. i hope having animated off doesn't Eliminate the hangar itself ?
  7. Hi, just bought it May bundle deal. U guys planning on giving KJFK the SD texture option like KDTW and KLAX? i see it has only HD textures.
  8. Yes!! thank you
  9. Hi, any word on KFAT update for inimanager. I tried to reach out to fly2high over 2 weeks ago email and they have not responded. there communication effort is terrible.
  10. yes !! 100% please !
  11. KSAN 100% !!! I own the LVFR ksan and excuse my french but its horriffic! skyline is default asobo bad performance, the terminal,gates.ground textures, nearby buildings, harbor, boats are bad on perfromance and anti aliasing is terrible. its a stutterfest and that anti aliasing is glitching. not to mention the off road 4x4 ground bumps and wrong gate #'s and parking codes. the jetways are very bad texture wise. basically it looks like it was ported over from P3d to msfs. can i throw in a PHNL. FSDT takes 10yrs to release a airport. PHNL would be huge with the upcoming World update. Thanks Ini. love your KLAX, EGLL. will be buying your KJFK, KDTW, KSAT, KOKC as soon as I sell my liver. ps, dire need of a KMCO as well as KDFW and KMIA...once again LVFR kmia is terrible. LVFR is dropping the ball. hope they can step it up. textures are not smooth like Ini, or Flightbeam.
  12. Hi, just checking on status of KFAT update being sent to inimanger? thanks
  13. thank you. hopeully its sent to you guys today. thank you
  14. Hi Ini, bought fly2high KFAT yesterday on your website. after install, the manager show version 1.00. fly2high says they have updated it twice since release. the current release is version 2.01. when will this update be provided? thank u
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