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Everything posted by Muffwin

  1. I had a WASM crash when trying to insert holds into my flightplan. Steps to reproduce: Everything is on video, but to summarize: - Inserting a HOLD at REQIN - Trying to change hold config (turn, leg defining parameter) - Hold was not displayed on the ND, so i tried to enter an other HOLD at BOURI (waypoint before REQIN, without removing the HOLD at REQIN) - Trying to modify the HOLD at BOURI - Inserted HOLD into flihgtplan, flightplan diapered and the WASM crash occured I have it it on video, watch it to reproduce (first hold at 1:53, second at 3:31, no flightplan & crash at 3:50, after that i tried to resolve crash without success, showing console at 8:33) Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS2020 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: I don't have it anymore but the route was SBGL/10 DCT TISVA UL206 KODOS DCT SEROD DCT TURUP UA302 ANITI UR975 ARDAR UA854 BRENA UA29 TRB UM986 ALR UG26 REQIN DCT ELSAG DCT ALG DCT TINTO L5 VALMA DCT LIRF/16L WASM Error: WASM: Exception c0000005 in gauge MFD in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/inibuilds-aircraft-a350-900/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm (i think, i didn't filter the console, but it is visible on the video) Specs: CPU: Intel 14900k, GPU: Nvidia RTX 4080 Super, RAM: 64GB DDR5
  2. Aircraft: A350-900 Simulator: FS2020 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: Not related to route (but I can provide it if needed) WASM Error: WASM: Exception c000001d in gauge MFD in module vfs://inibuilds-aircraft-a350/SimObjects/Airplanes/inibuilds-aircraft-a350-900/panel/inibuilds-A350.wasm Specs: CPU: Intel 14900k, GPU: Nvidia RTX 4080 Super, RAM: 64GB DDR5 Description of the problem: I was doing a flight on Vatsim, everything went well, then I tried to display traffic on ND to adjust my speed for sequencing on unicom. I was seeing the traffic in front of me because he was just below, then i switched to nav mode to see the traffic behind me. He was higher so I pressed the "ABV" button on the TCAS section. Then when i pressed back the "ABV" button, a WASM crash occurred. Luckily I was recording the whole flight, so here is a video starting 2 minutes before the crash, with the crash occurring at 01:42 (i think) (i can provide a longer video if needed): Steps to reproduce (i think): - Have a traffic in front of you on the ND on ARC mode(without the need to press "ABV" or "BLW" buttons on the TCAS) - Have the traffic visible on the SURV tab - Have a traffic behind you (not visible in ARC mode & without "ABV" or "BLW" pressed) - Switch to NAV mode on the ND - Display the traffic with "ABV" or "BLW" - Click on it via the SURV tab - Press "ABV" or "BLW" again - Crash should occur (i think) I hope it will help you to fix this crash, thank you in advance for the support !
  3. Hi, Same issue on my side, it is the third time i think since last week, reinstalled and it is still stuck on loading screen
  4. Hi, Just to let you know that the problem was fixed on my side with the last update, thx ! I did a flight from Dublin to Boston without any issues, will see if the problem is fixed on other flights
  5. Hi ! I have the same issue (currently cruising at FL340), i followed the checklists in MSFS. I also have the same issue as mentioned by pdp above.
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