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Posts posted by late9

  1. 5 hours ago, Throwawaysubmit said:

    But just in your aircraft? PMDG, FENIX even your own A310 that doesn't occur and it's possible to change fuel in flight.  I have no desire to sit for 7 hours waiting for a flight to finish. I practice flying sids and stars using FSiPanel, and to that end the inability to change the fuel load in flight means that you're landing overweight everytime. Sounds like a copout Inibuilds, and yet another excuse for a half finished product from yet another MSFS 3rd party addon dev.  If inibuilds is not going to implement this simple fix into their aircraft, then how can I get refunded for my purchase.  

    Half finished because you cant refuel in the air?  You must be a joy to live with... 

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  2. I second this... there is zero GA parking positions and even the cargo ramp only has 2 positions I believe.. it's a very nicely done airport, just wondering why you wouldn't have put GA positions on the GA ramp????

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