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Ells last won the day on January 3 2023

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  1. This is now fixed in 1.0.6 patch
  2. Thank you for the feedback. You are comparing different products believing each one is correct in their own flight modelling. Of course we can only attest to our own product and not other companies products. We have carried out extensive testing, even after your initial feedback, on our P-40F and it is on the numbers based on data, but also from multiple real life pilot accounts. We were very fortunate to be able to have access to flight crew and mechanics here in the UK during development and the most common answer is that no aircraft ever flies the same or even to the published numbers and there are so many factors to achieving top speed, fuel range, distance, etc. We are confident we have this correct based on all feedback in the real world, not just flight manuals, and subsequently tailored as such for MSFS CFD technology. However, we do appreciate your feedback to ensure we are making the highest quality products achievable. Warm regards, Ellise.
  3. Hello Guys, The model / textures you see in the trailer / pre-release is not the release model. This mirror issue is not present on the release candidate. Many thanks, Ells.
  4. Has been fixed, waiting for MS to push to Marketplace.
  5. Hey and welcome to the forums and P-40F! Can you please give some reference speeds, fuel weight loadouts, altitude, etc as to how you were flying to get this behaviour as I'm not seeing it here? We have all data and pilot notes from the team up at Duxford and had many discussions with pilots on behaviour which the aircraft has been tuned to. Thanks, Ellie.
  6. Thanks for the feedback
  7. Hello, We are aware of an issue with the P-40F regarding the MS Marketplace build on PC in relation to the fuel pump switch. This seems to be intermittent for some users and we are currently working on a fix for this which will be patched immediately by us, but may take some time to hit the Marketplace due to processing times. You can continue using the plane by the following methods: - Open the in-sim checklist, go to the Engine Start Procedure, select the “Fuel Pump” line and click “Tick Item”. The switch won’t physically show as on but it will be in the background. - Press CTRL+ E to auto-start the engine
  8. Can you guys please post which version of the sim you are using, Steam or Onestore @Rinkwraith @CarlosCarbone @Blayd
  9. Thanks, we simply can't reproduce it with our source files. Digging deeper into it 🙂
  10. Thanks All, we are looking into this as we can't reproduce it with our Marketplace source files however the Marketplace download is having intermittent issues.
  11. Thanks for the VR settings. DLSS and set to quality will hammer your VR headset a little, however you said you don't see drop in other planes so that's interesting. The P40 has been optimised a lot for VR and I have a Quest 2 and get a lot higher frames than that, will look into it more. Yes I'd follow the in-sim checklists for take-off, cruise and landing throttle/manfold/rpm settings. Also depends on your live weather but sounds like you had some cross-wind as well, not seeing any issues our end.
  12. Fixed in the next patch
  13. Just to add a note to this, have just tested several take off's at different airports with zero wind and some with wind (5knts). Prop RPM Lever Full Forward Throttle Slowly increase to 50 inches I don't get much swing once the tail comes up but do sometimes have to dance on the rudder pedals with wind which is to be expected.
  14. Hey Ron, thanks for posting your issues and system specs. Can you please post a screenshot of your VR graphics settings so we can evaluate those. Also what hardware are you using for rudder? Are you following the in-sim checklist or QRC's for throttle settings during takeoff or are you just using full throttle? Full throttle, especially when pushed full from idle will cause a lot of torque effect pushing the aircraft to the left. Also what wind settings are you using, live weather or a pre-set? Thanks, Ells.
  15. We have refined it in the next patch, it is much better in VR.
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