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Everything posted by jaybird

  1. When you enter a wrong value it displays the range, if you are above the range then it won't accept it, I've seen simbrief get it too high, probably just need to tweak the simbrief profile. Just reduce the value you are using 🙂
  2. I was confused about this also, but finally discovered that the asterisk is NOT what is active, its the alternative 🙂 From your description I'd say you need to keep lowering your flaps. You know, in spite of having documentation, it's the little details like this that don't get explained, just one among many such things. Still I do love flying them 🙂 Cheers,
  3. I solved the problem, it was a confusion over the simbrief id, other planes have used the "pilot id" and that's what i've been used to entering, but I finally tried the actual username and that worked. Not sure why the two id's but whatever. Maybe it will help someone else sometime.
  4. Yes I saw the previous posting, yes I followed the instruction, I use my simbrief id for all my interaction with Walker Air so I know how it works. I have the correct ID in your settings. I go to the acars menu, I request the company route.... it just comes back saying "Flightplan not available". Now I know you are all impressed with this automatic wiz-bang thing, but when it doesn't work its just fargin irritating. I have also had the simbrief downloader put the plan into what I think should be the appropriate directory... you know, the way i do with every OTHER plane i fly... but it's not finding it. At the moment I settle for manually entering the plan, but this USED to work when I first bought the thing. How do I get this working one way or the other please?
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