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  1. The papi lights in sim for runway 09R are in the wrong location. If you look in the sim the papi lights are next to the 500 foot markers. If you look at a YouTube video online you can see the papi lights are next to N7. (At the 1 minute mark) You can see in sim N7 is abeam the one thousand footers which is a much more normal location for papi lights.
  2. Awemeter

    Gate numbers

    What is the relation between the gate numbers displayed on FlightAware and the gate numbers on the scenery and GSX?
  3. It appears every gate use world flight services as its ground service operator but in real life this is not the case.
  4. Yep you are right. Thanks for the help. Really enjoying KDTW.
  5. If possible without hitting perf too much it would be nice to see some of the screws actually modeled instead of textured like shown below.
  6. Don't get me wrong the cockpit looks pretty good already but there are some areas texture wise that could be better. I don't know how much this would impact performance but even on the enhanced version there are some areas of the cockpit that I would like to have some higher quality textures. Here are some examples bellow.
  7. It also appears that the door close sound is coming from the front of the cockpit and not the actual door,
  8. When I hover over the rat pull lever a click spot is displayed but nothing happens. If this is intentional it would be nice if the RAT was modeled and simulated.
  9. I know this is a really small issue and is in no way major, but it would be nice if you could correct the gally latches to be closed so the carts don't go flying out during my hard landing.
  10. I feel like the sounds do not get quitter the further away you get from the object that is omitting the sound. For example, the knobs in the cockpit all of them sound like you are right next to them.
  11. Another vote for cargo variant.
  12. Would it be possible to increase the wing texture resolution? It looks very low even on the enhanced version.
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