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DMullert last won the day on March 20 2024

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  1. DMullert

    a350 crash!

    I am experiencing the same situation. Happens more with the 1000 series. The 900 eventually crashes the sim as you describe. Also experiencing issues with the throttles. They are recognized by the tablet configuration but they do not move up and down when you move them. This never happened before the update. I’ve never been able to launch the 1000 - it just crashes. Totally unflyable after the update.
  2. So you must own GSX in order to get VDGS to operate? What about those folks that do not have GSX?
  3. Hi Gang! I've installed EGLL for 2024 but my VDGS's are all black. Any ideas how to get them to work? Thanks!
  4. I wonder if anyone from Inibuilds is planning to respond?
  5. Hello Team I just updated my EGLL scenery to version 3.1.0 and after this update, I lost all of the EGLL available settings and the IniBuilds IniManager no longer detects the EGLL scenery as being installed even though it is. I have already cleared my scenery indexes and restarted MSFS to get them rebuilt as suggested in different threads to no avail. Can someone confirm this is an issue and / or provide recommendation on how to solve? Many Thanks. Dennis
  6. DMullert


    I have confirmed this issue does not happen with ORBX's Dubai city scenery.
  7. DMullert


    Anybody else having this problem? It happens both during day and night flights.
  8. I've been tweaking all kinds of settings and I continue to have this issue both, during day and night flights. I have to test and see if I get this with ORBX's.
  9. It takes several minutes for it to show up in your products area.
  10. Hello Gang! Installed the freeware Dubai City addon and noticed the following glitch. Anyone else noticed this? Thanks Dennis
  11. Yes, indeed. Turned off there as well.
  12. Indeed, I have the option in GSX turned off as it has been suggested by various other scenery developers. I've also excluded third party jetways in the options.
  13. Gate A46 and several other gates in the vicinity. Image attached for reference. Thanks! Dennis
  14. Hello Team. KDTW is a beauty. Several items that have already been reported I have observed as well, but I haven't seen the floating luggage containers without wheels floating in the air reported yet. Please take note. Thanks. Dennis
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