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Everything posted by cwa45

  1. check flightsimto, it could've been made by a third party artist by now
  2. Thanks for the amazing a300, a few things I noticed that you could add later on. in the msfs a300, the standby gyro is not the standard one that came with the a300, rather it is an aftermarket added by ups. I say that because I looked around and ups was the only carrier that used that type. However ups retrofitted there entire a300 fleet with the epic avionics package so now I don't think theres any carriers still using that. It would be great if you could add the old standby horizon back into the cockpit, for extra realism. Another thing I noticed was on the the panel where you set your flex temperature, you can see theres no empty bar of space like in the inibuilds a300. (the picture is from x plane but it is still prevalant in the msfs version. Other than that, I have no other critiqes, thanks for the product.
  3. probably not for awhile, probably the earliest you might see some news about it is the end of the year
  4. They’ve sent a patch to msfs, which should release with su 13
  5. cant they make it so painters can block the windows, because making a cargo variant would take a lot of work
  6. I just want to confirm something about the secret project, hopefully you guys can answer this. I assume the secret project is not the a380, since it has already been announced. Like the secret project isnt just the a380 on msfs since you havent techinically stated what sim the a380 will be for?
  7. I think a good rendition of the a340-300 for msfs will make my life complete. This is the one plane I think every major sim is lacking a good model. If I remember you guys are developing an a380 right now but I think since the fbw a380 will also be an option. Their wouldn't be any competition as no developer really has any plans on making one.
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  8. They really need to consider this I am dying for an a340-300 for msfs or any sim
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