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Simon Stühlinger

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Everything posted by Simon Stühlinger

  1. Hi. So, for some dads in the simmer world....an Update with the "Pause at Top of Decent"??? Why do you not use the time to implement this to your new Aircraft like the A330 ?
  2. any news on it? i'm waiting for so long
  3. Hi, i would fly to Boston from Berlin but the System goes terrible...i take a video from it
  4. Hi, is the function "Pause at T/D" in Process? in XPlane it is implemented. Waiting for so Long and i Think its a Must have for all Daddy's in the Simmerworld or Longhauler Pilot's with tired eyes ;-)
  5. Hi,is there a little light of hope to get the Pause at top of decent in this Bird? it looks like the "tod calculator and pause tool" from flightsim.to does not work anymore with this Bird
  6. Hi, get this ctd inflight, what it this can i do something ? Faulting application name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65a6e79d Faulting module name: m82e27c8fdda060b5_0.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x660a5533 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0000000000eaa104 Faulting process id: 0x0x270C Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DA83FD0F90AECA Faulting application path: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\FlightSimulator.exe Faulting module path: C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\m82e27c8fdda060b5_0.dll Report Id: 40a0050a-0853-446d-878b-faf6ac19858f Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
  7. Hi,im flying from KBOS to EHAM and inflight my attitude indicator goes off? When i pull the knob it comes not up again.But on ground it was ok
  8. Is KMSP now solved? I was was not able to depature from it
  10. I have the problem that my manager closed often after 10-20 sec. Without any failure. Its up to date and its installed with adminrights
  11. Same to me 😞 on ground now and waiting for an update
  12. same here. more then 12 Flights.All on 100%
  13. test all other depatures from KMSP ...nothinh runs. Autopilot can't go in Nav mode
  14. I'm unable to fly Rw 30 L for Depature via RST1 and trans ALO. after clear the Manual the Autopilot won't follow to waypoint FGT. It looks like i programmed 12R but its not
  15. Any chance to get a template for axis and oohs from the A300? have only for A310 😞
  16. Same here from 10 flights 2 crashed by falling from 15000 ft. Something to do with icing?? And on some flights the first waypoint after take off,doesn't capture by the autopilot in Nav mode.So it overshot it and i must "direct to" to fly next waypoint
  17. Yeah,i ask Captain Canada in his stream yesterday. I missed this option. 😞 Olease think about it. For the Simmers that have kids, its a must have
  18. For me the same. Flight to KVCG and EKVG decent around 100 nm to early.All calculated with simbrief and actually Navigraph airac. Think too thats not the "old" systems
  19. Hi are there plans for a function "pause at T/D" ?
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