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Everything posted by PatrickZ

  1. I remember the days when you could buy a livery request in the IniBuilds store, but those days are in the past. Which is a sad thing as I think there is demand for such a service. This once again proves it. Can IniBuilds perhaps reinstate this service? They already got experience with it and I've got a number of requests to make as well.
  2. Why open a new topic for this? Why not add it to the dedicated topic for suggestions?
  3. I'm trying to transfer some products I bought on the MSFS marketplace to iniManager, however in the process it asks for an invoice ID. The problem is that I have a whole lot of invoice IDs, however none of them say which product I bought with it. They all say I bought a certain amount of FlightSim credits with it, but they don't say what I bought with those FlightSim credits. I haven't got a clue which invoice belongs with which product, and there appears to be no way to look this up. If I enter "unknown" with invoice ID, will it be accepted? Alternatively I can send you a list with all invoice IDs I got so far, but like I said, I can't see which one was for which product.
  4. I've bought iniBuilds / Origami Studios London Gatwick through the MSFS Marketplace and I'm looking to transfer it to iniManager, however it doesn't show up in the Order Transfer Request list. The product can be bought through iniManager, but it can't be transferred.
  5. I miss the repaint request option on the new site, doesn't IniBuilds do that anymore? Actually that was the only thing about IniBuilds that attracted me. I took a look at the aircraft and scenery but unfortunately they're all for the wrong platforms and therefor not interesting. There is demand for a commercial repaint service like the one IniBuilds used to offer, in fact as far as I know IniBuilds was the only one offering this service.
  6. PS for an experiment I took the alpha channel from the iniBuilds Pegasus A320 and included it in the files for the Lufthansa A320. Can you please replace the files in the Lufthansa A320 folder with these ones: https://gofile.io/d/qUxAsJ This is not meant to be a permanent solution, it's just to see how it looks. If that fixes it, then it's up to iniBuilds to come up with a permanent solution.
  7. Looks like a problem with the alpha channel to me. While I currently don't have the Aerosoft Airbus installed, so I can't test it, I did download this livery. I opened these two files in DXTBmp: AIRBUS_EX320NEO_MIDSEC_C.dds AIRBUS_EX320NEO_TAILSEC_C.dds The first one does have an alpha channel, the second one doesn't. For comparison I also downloaded the JetStar A320 livery and opened the same files. Here they both have an alpha channel, although it's a much lighter shade than on the Lufthansa livery. Why some systems do pay attention to the alpha channel and others don't is a mystery, but this is the result.
  8. That's a shame, I always like fictional stuff. Maybe you should consider adding all fictional liveries to your library, you never know if there are people out there who would like to have it. They might not order it themselves, but if it exists anyway....
  9. Indeed, the mails were in the junk folder. Got them now. The EasyJet 757 was tricky since it's not listed on the site. In fact, there is no Captain Sim section under fictional repaints at all. Still glad that it's done.
  10. I just saw that the FrenchBee A330 that I requested has been published. That's great! And it's very fast since I only ordered it about 2 weeks ago. With 4 to 6 weeks advertised processing time this is way better than expected. Meanwhile the fictional EasyJet liveries for the 737 and 757 have been ordered 5 weeks ago and not yet published. No worries, 6 weeks aren't up yet. I expect them somewhere in the next week and they'll still be on time. Just a bit weird that one request is done in 2 weeks while another one still isn't done in 5 weeks. Or is it maybe possible that someone else ordered that same FrenchBee A330 a couple of weeks before me and it was actually that other request that has been released. After all I didn't get an e-mail that it was finished, I had to see it on the website. In that case, can I get a refund?
  11. Great idea! I have the following requests pending: For the PMDG 737NGXu fictional EasyJet liveries (737-700 for the A319, 800 for the A320 and 900 for the A321). For the Captain Sim 757 fictional EasyJet liveries (757-200 for the A320, 300 for the A321). For the Aerosoft A330 a FrenchBee livery. Might order more in the future.
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