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  1. Cebu Pacific - (RP-C4115) [Toliss A321ceo]

    Cebu Pacific operates 7 A321ceo on routes around and outside of the Philippines, largely from their primary base in Manila.
    For Cebu Pacific A321neos, my pack is available here.
    This livery is improved from the default A321 textures with new engine and wing textures, improved markings, and additional details.
    Also includes compatibility with Carda's CFM Mod (coming soon). Recommended for the best experience!
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    RP-C4115 - Wingtip Fences, CFM Engines
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  2. Cebu Pacific - (RP-C4118) [Toliss A321neo]

    Cebu Pacific operates 9 A321neo on routes around and outside of the Philippines, largely from their primary base in Manila.
    For Cebu Pacific A321ceos, my pack is available here.
    This livery is improved from the default A321 textures with new engine and wing textures, improved markings, and additional details.
    Also includes compatibility with Carda's PW1100G mod. Recommended for the best experience!
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    RP-C4118 - PW1100G Engines, NEO door config
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  3. Finnair - PACK [Toliss A321ceo]

    Finnair operates 19 total A321ceo (13 with IAEs/sharklets, 6 with CFMs/wingtip fences) from their base in Helsinki.
    This livery is improved from the default A321 textures with new engine and wing textures, improved markings, and additional details.
    Also includes compatibility with Carda's IAE and CFM Mods. Recommended for the best experience! (CFM coming soon)
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    OH-LZR - Sharklets and Satcom Dome, IAE Engines
    OH-LZF - Wingtip Fences, CFM Engines
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  4. Oman Air - (A4O-BZ) [LevelUP 737-900ER]

    Oman Air operates 5 737-900ERs as of 2022, primarily from their hub in Muscat.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    A4O-BZ - Blended Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, Halogen Lights, Plugged Eyebrow Windows, and Active Rear Exit.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  5. T'Way - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    T'Way is a South Korean Low-Cost Carrier which operates a total of 27 737-800s as of January 2022. This pack contains 2 examples from within their fleet.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    HL8379 - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, Halogen Lights, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    HL8300 - Blended Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, LED Lights, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  6. Oman Air - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Oman Air operates a total of 15 737-800s as of January 2020. This pack contains 2 examples from within their fleet.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    A4O-BU - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    A4O-BAG - Blended Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  7. Qantas - 2007 livery PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Qantas operates 75 737-800s across Austalia and Oceania. This livery includes 3 different representations of Qantas' 2007 livery design.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    VH-VXA - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows. As seen in 2011.
    VH-ZXO - Blended Winglets, PiP Engines, Rear-1 SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows. As seen in 2021.
    ZK-ZQH - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows. Operated by Jetconnect, As seen in 2018.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  8. Turkish Airlines - Star Alliance (TC-JHE) [LevelUP 737-800]

    Turkish Airlines operated this 737-800 in Star Alliance colours from 2015 until 2021, when the aircraft was transferred to AnadoluJet.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    TC-JHC - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  9. Qantas - 2002 (VH-VXA) [LevelUP 737-800]

    Qantas operates 75 737-800s across Austalia and Oceania. This livery represents VH-VXA, their first -800 to be delivered, as it would have looked the day it was delivered in 2002.
    Automatic Configuration file for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    VH-VXA - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and eyebrow windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  10. GOL - PACK [LevelUP 737-700]

    GOL currently operates 22 737-700s. This pack contains three different representative variations of 737 in GOL's fleet.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    PR-GOW - No Winglets, Classic Engines, Rear-2 SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    PR-GEQ - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    PR-GEJ - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, Rear-2 SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  11. GOL - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    GOL currently operates 89 737-800s. This pack contains four different representative variations of 737 in GOL's fleet.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    PR-GTB - Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, Rear-2 SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. 
    PR-GYD - Blended Winglets, PiP Engines, Rear-2 SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. 
    PR-GUI -  Scimitar Winglets, Classic Engines, Rear-2 SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. 
    PR-GZZ -  No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. 
    All aircraft seat 186 passengers.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  12. Malaysia Airlines - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Malaysia Airlines currently operates 47 737-800s. This pack contains five different variations of 737 in Malaysia Airlines' fleet.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    9M-MLJ - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (Old "swoops", old logo)
    9M-MXE - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (Old "swoops", current logo)
    9M-MXW - Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (Revised "swoops", current logo)
    9M-MXY - Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (Old "swoops", 100th 737 Sticker)
    All aircraft seat 160 passengers.
    For "Negaraku" Special livery variants, see the separate file listing here.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  13. Malaysia Airlines - Negaraku PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Malaysia Airlines currently operates 47 737-800s. This pack contains two different variations of the special "Negaraku" livery seen in Malaysia Airlines' fleet.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    9M-MXU - Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (Malaysian Airlines Titles)
    9M-MXC - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows. (oneworld Titles)
    All aircraft seat 160 passengers.
    For standard Malaysian Airlines livery variants, see the separate file listing here.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  14. Air China - Pink Peony PACK [LevelUP 737-700]

    Air China operates a total of 18 737-700s, two of which are in variants of the "Pink Peony" Scheme - both are included in this pack.
    Many thanks to @Delta_Whofor graciously providing the original livery for conversion to the LevelUP.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    B-5211 - No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    B-5214 - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  15. Kenya Airways - (5Y-KQG) [LevelUP 737-700]

    Kenya Airways operates 2 737-700s on routes from Nairobi across Africa and the Middle East. This is the only example in their full livery.
    The correct config for this livery is Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  16. Thai Lion Air - (HS-LUJ) [LevelUP 737-800]

    Thai Lion Air currently operates 6 737-800s on routes across Thailand and South-East Asia.
    The correct config for this livery is Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  17. Malindo Air - (9M-LNP) [LevelUP 737-800]

    Malindo Air currently operates just 2 737-800s, having downsized their fleet from a peak of 23. They operate routes across Malaysia and South-East Asia.
    The correct config for this livery is Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord for more high-quality paints!


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  18. Lion Air - (PK-LJW) [LevelUP 737-800]

    Lion Air operates 37 737-800s on routes within Indonesia and South-East Asia.
    The correct config for this livery is Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
    Also consider joining the Canvas Liveries XP discord to be notified of more high-quality paints!


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  19. Korean Air - HL8249 [LevelUP 737-900ER]

    Korean Air currently operates 6 737-900ER on routes across Asia.
    Automatic Configuration files for this livery is provided, however for reference the correct config is:
    HL8249 - Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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  20. Korean Air - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Korean Air currently operates just 3 737-800s, having operated a total of 28 since 2000.
    Within this pack are two registrations - HL8240 which remains in service with Korean, and HL8247 which has since been transferred to low-cost subsidiary Jin Air.
    The correct config for these aircraft is Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOMs, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    This is not a full fleet pack, though if you require a specific reg please contact me and I can add it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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  21. Korean Air - PACK [LevelUP 737-900NG]

    Korean Air currently operates 11 737-900s (NON-ER) on routes across Asia.
    This pack contains three different configurations of 737 in Korean's fleet.
    The correct configs for these liveries is
    HL7704 Collins Autopilot, No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Eyebrow Windows.
    HL7706 Collins Autopilot, No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Eyebrow Windows.
    HL7569 Honeywell Autopilot, No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    HL7718 Honeywell Autopilot, No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    HL7728 Honeywell Autopilot, No Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


       (1 review)


  22. Jeju Air - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]

    Jeju Air operates 38 737-800s from Korea on Domestic and International routes across East Asia.
    There are 3 tail design variations of their livery - Stones, Volcanoes and Waves, each representing a natural icon of Jeju Island, for which the airline is named.
    This pack contains five different variations of 737 in Jeju Air's fleet.
    Automatic Configuration files for each livery are provided, however for reference the correct configs for these liveries is:
    HL7213 "Stones" - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    HL8321 "Stones" - Split Scimitars, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    HL8090 "Volcanoes" - Winglets, PiP Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    HL9322 "Volcanoes" - Split Scimitars, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    HL9322 "Waves" - Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOMs, and plugged eyebrow windows.
    All aircraft seat 189 passengers.
    If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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  23. Eastar Jet - (HL7781) [LevelUP 737-600]

    Eastar Jet operated this single 737-600 out of South Korea from 2008-2013 .
    The correct config for this aircraft is No winglets, No PiP, No SATCOMs, and Eyebrow Windows.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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  24. China Southern - (B-1123) [LevelUP 737-800]

    China Southern operates 163 737-800s across their Chinese and East Asian network.
    The correct config for this aircraft is Blended winglets, PiP, No SATCOMs, and No Eyebrow Windows.
    This is not a full fleet pack, though if you require a specific reg please contact me and I can add it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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  25. China Southern - (B-5070) [LevelUP 737-700]

    China Southern operates 26 737-700s across their Chinese and East Asian network. All were retrofitted with blended winglets in the mid-2010s.
    The correct config for this aircraft is Blended winglets, No PiP, No SATCOMs, and No Eyebrow Windows.
    This is not a full fleet pack, though if you require a specific reg please contact me and I can add it to the pack.
    Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!


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