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Missing vehicles at Kerry or Xbox omission?


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I recently purchased Kerry for Xbox Series X, very nice indeed. In watching a video of the same scenery using PC, I note that the parking area nearby the GA hanger is populated with vehicles. However, in my Xbox installation, there are no vehicles, and the photo scenery is bare. Image attached.

b78cd27c-4832-44dc-b361-163950edf8bc.thumb.jpg.906dbf8d969b840aa3a48b785bc66535.jpg input.


Is this omission by design specifically for Xbox or is this an issue with the scenery installation?

Thank you in advance. Grateful for your input.


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Hi Mark,

Thanks for letting us know. We'll take a look into this.

It is likely that the ortho for this area has been updated since the release of Kerry, and the simulator is now using the base ortho rather than the ortho included with Kerry.

Sam Wheeler
Senior Management | iniBuilds

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