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NZAA VDGS module compatability


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I've noticed both Flightbeam's NZAA and your EGLL scenery are using the 'same' package name/module for VDGS, however I have noticed that despite that fact, having just one of them installed [to my community folder] does not work across both sceneries. EG. using the module supplied via Contrail for Flightbeam's NZAA does not work with the VDGS at EGLL - the display is just fully lit up and does not respond to the aircraft) and the opposite setup at NZAA I see the VDGS does not appear at all.

I have worked around this by renaming the packages for the relevant developers, so not a major issue.

Going forward, I did wonder if there are any plans to make the module universally compatible with other airports that use it?


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Hello Rob,

Thanks for your reporting your findings. The VDGS plugin and it's associated folders are developed by Nool Aerosystems, not by iniBuilds. However, we've noted this feedback and will pass it onto Nool.

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Sam Wheeler
Senior Management | iniBuilds

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