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Hi guys,

I had my reverser correctly configured before the update.

I followed your instructions and recalibrate it. However when I landed for my surprise it did not work. And I opened the configs, did everything again as before and still I cannot get my reversers to work. 

Any idea??



Hi @TPGiovanni

If you're using TCA Airbus Throttles ensure you're using the Throttle 1 Axis (0 to 100%) and Throttle 2 Axis (0 to 100%), as well as the REVERSE ON AXIS = YES selected on the throttle calibration page.

Normally that should be enough, then you run through the calibration process. As you make changes, it should save to the ThrottleData.ini file dynamically. If not, its usually due to the sim lacking proper write permissions (Windows UAC). Try running the simulator as admin.

As you may have already seen, paths and guidance on how to conduct the calibration can be found here: 


In case you're still having issues, please share

  • Screnshots of your control bindings assigned to Throttle and Reverser functions
  • Screenshot of your OIS Throttle Calibration page
  • Your Throttledata.ini file


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thanks for your reply.

Just noticed that even with the option "REVERSE ON AXIS = YES", the .ini file shows as FALSE.

I will try modifying it and have a look when I get back home. I will let you know.


Thanks once again!


Not sure if it helps but I found I had to calibrate the TCA throttle, then exit to the main menu, then the reverse worked.

Not tried if it saves correctly after a full exit of the sim and reload (if that makes sense).

Might be something, maybe not, but thought I'd mention it?

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