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I’m sorry, but I also have to express my strong disappointment regarding the release of the Airbus A350.


This was a product that generated incredible hype, yet it has clearly proven to be not ready for public release. I would describe it as something still near the end of the alpha phase.. it needed at least another six months of testing.


There are some extremely serious bugs that give the impression of a rushed release. It’s inconceivable to think they didn’t know that Navigraph charts weren’t working, that the autopilot disconnect alarm couldn’t be silenced, or even that the deafening landing gear sound played when retracting the gear for landing, just to name a few.

I’m not even talking about bugs related to alternate law functionalities, but rather about extremely basic issues.


The sounds are truly bad and unbalanced. Out of three flights, two resulted in the simulator freezing.


The general feeling, which I believe most people now share, is that iniBuilds missed their chance to enter the Olympus of Flight Simulator developers by releasing an obviously incomplete product.


If I were them, I’d issue a public apology and pull the A350 from sale until it reaches the level of quality it deserves. The potential is clearly there, but the product is still far from mature.


For now, I’ll be putting it in the hangar until I see significant improvements through future patches.


I’m really sorry, but I’m also extremely frustrated because it’s not fair that we are the ones acting as the real beta testers after paying nearly 90 euros for this product.

  • Like 8

I have to agree with you, I was extremely looking forward to this release...tonight i flew two legs for 4 hours online at vatsim with friends....i was whole evenig busy handling the shortcomings.

Clickspots on the FMC screen are not working okay too, sometimes it works right away and sometimes you need to click 5 times, when entering a different waypoint on the fly you loose your whole flightplan, on final you can not hear the ATC because of the extreem landing gear sound, no charts in the cockpit etc etc...

Inibuilds must have known all this, because they tested this....i fly in MFS2020 in VR but when i fly it in msfs2024 in VR i loose my mousepointer all the time and my toolbar. That is probably MS fault and not inibuilds. In MSFS2024 I do have Niavigraph charts...but 20204 is unflyable.

It is a shame that companies like MS and inibuilds think that they canb come away with this, just trow the product on the market when you think now we need the customers money....finish it later.

  • Like 4


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We've just pushed an update addressing many of the issues users have reported. Please give it a try! 

Thank you

  • Like 1

Community Manager 
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thanks Eddy for your reaction, as I stated in my other post....after the update things are better now ! (but still some things to adress)

Thanks for updating the aircraft !


INIBUILDS this is not excusable! That’s how it is now, it’s business! when you sell a product it must be impeccable upon release, that's what you said in your presentation videos before its release during your marketing demonstrations! it's simply shameful it's barely worth half 45 euros and even then! you are far, far from PMDG it’s a shame!

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1
22 hours ago, Eddie said:


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We've just pushed an update addressing many of the issues users have reported. Please give it a try! 

Thank you

Most of the things mentioned in this thread were not fixed by the update, at least not for me in MSFS 2020. 

  • Like 3


The update does not solve the crash when launching the game despite deleting the files. The only solution found immediately is to disable DX12. This is penalizing and a shame.

I am counting on you to deal with this problem in the coming days.

Thank you.


So I have flown a few legs after the first update, one of them was a flight from Kathmandu to Buthan (I know the A350 is not flying in there but hey...).

The RWY15 approach into Buthan is not specified in the A350 FMC (probably in no other FMS aswell) so I wanted to set the waypoints into the FMC myself.

The disappearing FlightPlan bug is all over the place and waypoints you bring into the FMC are coming into it as the first waypoint to fly to, even when you put them in below other points. Also I found out that the clickspots on the FMC screen is extremely buggy....you have to click multiple times to get things done.

What i found out too, is that BTV can not be set 3 of 5 times because the arrival airport is not coming up, only the deperture airpoirt is....but there we do not have to brake and vacate.

These 4 bugs (Clickspots, BTV landing airport not showing up, disappearing Flightplans and waypoint insertion) are extremely annoying and makes the aircraft unflyable for me.

I hope this will be adressed really soon.....

Thank you !

  • Like 1
On 2/28/2025 at 10:45 PM, Eddie said:


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We've just pushed an update addressing many of the issues users have reported. Please give it a try! 

Thank you

Just please make sure you guys keep at it. Its nearly there, but have to agree its not there yet. Has the potential to be the benchmark. The flight model in particular needs a complete rework in my opinion and these WASM freezes have almost become a INI meme, theyve been  present accross all INI planes for years. Fairplay to the modelling team its an absolute beauty probably the best, but the system stability and flight model really needs alot of work. 

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

Guys guys, give the Inibuilds team a break!!!!

it looks like none of you understands the complexity of this airplane. 
I do have the same issues as everybody else, but give the team a break and let them do what they’re good at, finding solutions for the bugs in the airplane. 
If we keep reporting the shortcomings in a constructive way, I’m persuaded that this airplane will become at the same level as a PMDG or Fenix airplane. 
and NO, I’m not sponsored at all by Inibuilds. 
After all, nobody forced us to buy the plane, we all did that because we love the A350. 




  • Like 1
On 3/1/2025 at 2:15 AM, Eddie said:


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We've just pushed an update addressing many of the issues users have reported. Please give it a try! 

Thank you

On multimonitor setup The popup windows  are not clickable will you planning to address that either?


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