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Hi, I have a big issue with the a330 aircraft. Whenever I am doing a flight at some point (seemingly random) the autopilot disconnects, so does the autothrottle and sometimes it banks hard left. Toga LK is then shown on the pfd. Once i have the aircraft back under control I have to set the flight directors and put back on the managed speed heading and altitude. On a long haul flight this happens about 5 times. I have all assists off ans the turbulence on the low setting. The flight model is on modern. Any help would be appreciated.




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I have similar problem, except on Xbox with A320 and mostly on short final. I’m suspecting either a problem with the new airac cycle (no problems prior to last update) and/or some conflict with addon airport data and sim software. Other possibilities are sudden insert of weather data that throws the plane out of AP or drift on your flight controller that suddenly registers beyond a critical point and might require some increase in dead zone. Still working the problem at this end. 


Just had another issue on the same flight, both engines cut off and only basic power remaining no matter how hard i tried to relight both engines nothing happened. After spending around 7 and a half hours for nothing can someone from the team please take a look into this. The previous post i made contains issues that occured during the very same flight!

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Hi @Jorrallcorrall

We're not able to reproduce such issues (flight control or engines cut off) on long or short segments across the A330 fleet (or other default airbus aircraft) internally or through any of our testers. So the issue is likely client side, please take a look at the suggestions below to see if you can find the cause:

On 1/5/2025 at 3:44 AM, Jorrallcorrall said:

Whenever I am doing a flight at some point (seemingly random) the autopilot disconnects, so does the autothrottle and sometimes it banks hard left.

Sorry you're experiencing this, please also take screenshots of when this happens (A screenshot that shows PFD/ND/FCU in clear view + a screenshot of your pedestal (MCDU till rudder trim) + a screenshot of your overhead panel), so we can see if there are any clues as to why this may be happening.

The AP/AT disconnection is usually caused by control inputs, which could be caused by conflicting keybinds from any of your connected devices. These can include primary flight controls (axis/buttons for Aileron/Elevator/Rudder) and trim for those controls. For the throttles these keybinds could also be nudging the them out of the relevant detents, and thereby leading to AT disconnection.

The banking left is indicative of inputs on aileron or rudder (or their respective trim). Alot of these are assigned to common keys (e.g. Enter for RUDDER YAW RIGHT) on the default profiles for keyboard. So it is possible these are being inadvertently registered by the sim as you're using your keyboard outside of flight sim as well.


On 1/5/2025 at 3:44 AM, Jorrallcorrall said:

Toga LK is then shown on the pfd. Once i have the aircraft back under control I have to set the flight directors and put back on the managed speed heading and altitude. On a long haul flight this happens about 5 times.

TOGA LK will usually engage when aircraft has entered a low speed regime to prevent stall (ALPHA FLOOR PROTECTION), so that is just the result of an AT/AP disconnect situation leading to a degradation of your speed.

On 1/5/2025 at 5:21 AM, Jorrallcorrall said:

Just had another issue on the same flight, both engines cut off and only basic power remaining no matter how hard i tried to relight both engines nothing happened.

This also seems a keybind issue related to MIXTURE (axis or set rich/lean) or CONDITION. Alot of users who have reported such issues have resolved after ensuring any bindings related to these are unassigned from all connected devices, except for the switches/axis where you want it to be assigned. 

You should also be wary of the control profiles, as these can be assigned individually per aircraft now so you want to ensure the correct ones are assigned and active. Some users have also reported that even though a profile was showing active on UI, it wasn't the case until the changed to default profile, and then back to their custom profile and hit save after.

The last thing (particularly PC related) is that if your PC has power saving enabled on USB ports. It is possible that after a few hours of non-usage, it enters a power-saving state, which causes device to reconnect.

MSFS2024 loads the "default" controller profile initially when a device is connected, before reverting to custom profiles if the device is recognized again. So its possible that is what is happening in these instances.

So spend some time looking into these to see if you can resolve the issues.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


I have the same issue specifically with the A330. The auto pilot disconnects and the plane begins to bank to the left. This only occurs on flights longer than 6 hours. Flights shorter than 6 hours do not have this issue. 


@richboy2307 Had the exact same issue as @Jorrallcorrall on my first long haul flight from EDDF to RJAA. Woke up in the morning to my AP Disconnected, Full TOGA and my Plane banking to the left. From the steps listed above i already had everything set up correctly, so intercepting keybinds should not have been the issue. Only thing i did now was adjust my power saving settings for my usb ports although i`m not sure that was the cause. Maybe someone else here was able to find a solution ?

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Posted (edited)

Same issue... after 6h perfect flight without touching anything, the autopilot suddenly disconnects

Edited by Argonox

Hi @CptFerox @Argonox

Most users have made changes to the controller profiles, having unbound unnecessary controls from keyboard/mouse and other connected devices so we recommend the same. As a last resort, you may also try a sim re-install, especially if the initial sim install was within first few weeks when server issues were prevalent as it is possible some core files were improperly installed.

Currently we do not have any other suggestions other than those above at this time.

As also mentioned on the previous post, currently we have not seen any issues aircraft-code wise that would cause AP disconnection issues, nor have we been able to reproduce this on our end (having done multiple "AFK" flights, longer than 6h as well).


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

  • 5 weeks later...

This keeps happening as of 20th Feb. 
I've had the FD disconnect about 3 times during my flight today. 
As recommended, Ive unbounded all the keyboard controls, including flight control surfaces bindings.

Please look into this. 

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