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(Partly) White screens since patch

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It appears that the a300 (Premium) has the same issues. Not sure that it can be stream related as it's a local installation.
From what I can read on the MSFS forums, mainly the people with 20 series cards have these issues. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/todays-patch-has-broken-the-airbus-displays-20-12-2024/688990/63
Not sure if you can do something about it, but I just want to provide as much info as possible. If there is something I can do to help troubleshoot, please let me know.20241221085350_1.thumb.jpg.482d76ae6b1ae735ed8f3a7b6c438637.jpg


Thank you, the screen work but every inibuild aircraft still make my game crash. This never happen with other aircraft exept with the 737 max. Every other aircraft work perfectly fine. If you have a solution. I could not complete a single flight with the a 330! 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

As mentioned on discord:


It's a known sim issue we are tracking that looks to be on the MS/Asobo side. It is not limited to just streamed aircraft, but rather a rendering thing. There is a thread here  on the MS forums that you should post to for maximum visibility on this topic.

For clarity, nothing has changed build-wise between pre and post patch with our aircraft so we're looking deeper into why folks are seeing this from time to time.

For PC users, the community suggested workaround to this issue is switching Texture Resolution to "High" or "Ultra" for now.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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