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How to - Calibrate my throttles?

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You must calibrate your throttles via the aircraft EFB "Throttle Calibration" app.


Firstly you must establish if you use reverse thrust on an axis or not.

  • If no, ensure 'REVERSE ON AXIS' is set to NO on the EFB.  You will have to bind reverse thrust to a button / input on your hardware.
  • If yes, and you do intend on using reverse thrust on an axis, ensure you set this to YES.

Then you may begin the calibration process by pressing 'START CALIBRATION' button.

  • Move your hardware axis physically to its idle position then press the highlighted 'SET IDLE POSITION' button.
  • Next, your hardware axis physically to its full forward position then press the highlighted 'SET TOGA POSITION' button.
  • You will be greeted with a green bar on the top saying 'THROTTLE CALIBRATION IS SAVED' once completed.

Note: Reload the plane to ensure this change is made properly. 

Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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